How to Lower Your Blood Pressure with Nutrients
Reduced ACE activity by 36% and decreased systolic pressure (the top number) by 5%.
Reduced systolic pressure and diastolic pressure compared to placebo an average of 12 points and 7 points in 4 weeks
By diet or supplementation, arginine reduces systolic pressure by 6 points and reduces diastolic pressure between 5–7 points
Significant decreases in both systolic (average 5.6 points) and diastolic blood pressure (average 2.8 points)
Decreases systolic pressure (top number) between 2.4–5.9 mmHg and diastolic (bottom number) 1.6–3.4 mmHg within 2–8 weeks
Statin-Induced Diabetes: A Hidden Epidemic?
Earlier this year, I published an article by Suzy Cohen, R.Ph., (widely recognized as "America's most trusted pharmacist") in which she discussed the hidden link between statins and diabetes.
A pattern has appeared where many who start taking a statin drug end up being diagnosed with diabetes several months later. Cohen's research into this hidden connection prompted her to write a book on the subject called "Diabetes Without Drugs." However, this diagnosis is incorrect. What many of these patients have is actually hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), caused by the medication. In essence, it is not genuine diabetes, and can be reversed simply by discontinuing the drug.
A recent meta-analysis confirmed that statin drugs are indeed associated with increased risk of developing diabetes.
The researchers evaluated five different clinical trials that together examined more than 32,000 people. They found that the higher the dosage of statin drugs being taken, the greater the diabetes risk. The "number needed to harm" for intensive-dose statin therapy was 498 for new-onset diabetes - that's the number of people who need to take the drug in order for one person to develop diabetes.
In even simpler terms, one out of every 498 people who are on a high-dose statin regimen will develop diabetes. (The lower the "number needed to harm," the greater the risk factor is.)
(As a side note, the "number needed to treat" per year for intensive-dose statins was 155 for cardiovascular events. This means that 155 people have to take the drug in order to prevent one person from having a cardiovascular event.) The following scientific reviews also reached the conclusion that statin use is associated with increased incidence of new-onset diabetes:
- A 2010 meta-analysis of 13 statin trials, consisting of 91,140 participants, found that statin therapy was associated with a 9 percent increased risk for incident diabetes. Here, the number needed to harm was 255 over four years, meaning for every 255 people on the drug, one developed diabetes as a result of the drug in that period of time.
- In this 2009 study, statin use was associated with a rise of fasting plasma glucose in patients with and without diabetes, independently of other factors such as age, and use of aspirin, β-blockers, or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. The study included data from more than 345,400 patients over a period of two years.
On average, statins increased fasting plasma glucose in non-diabetic statin users by 7 mg/dL, and in diabetics, statins increased glucose levels by 39 mg/dL.
How Do Statins Cause Diabetes?
Statins appear to provoke diabetes through a few different mechanisms. The primary mechanism is by increasing your insulin levels, which can be extremely harmful to your health. Chronically elevated insulin levels cause inflammation in your body, which is the hallmark of most chronic disease. In fact, elevated insulin levels lead to heart disease, which, ironically, is the primary reason for taking a statin drug in the first place!
It can also promote belly fat, high blood pressure, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, thyroid disruption, and diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and cancer.
Secondly, statins increase your diabetes risk by raising your blood sugar. When you eat a meal that contains starches and sugar, some of the excess sugar goes to your liver, which then stores it away as cholesterol and triglycerides. Statins work by preventing your liver from making cholesterol. As a result, your liver returns the sugar to your bloodstream, which raises your blood sugar levels.
These drugs also rob your body of certain valuable nutrients, which can also impact your blood sugar levels. Two nutrients in particular, vitamin D and CoQ10, are both needed to maintain ideal blood glucose levels.
If You Take Statins, You MUST Take CoQ10
It's extremely important to understand that taking a statin drug without also taking CoQ10 puts your health in serious jeopardy. Unfortunately, this describes the majority of people who take them in the United States.
CoQ10 is a cofactor (co-enzyme) that is essential for the creation of ATP molecules, primarily in your mitochondria, which you need for cellular energy production. Organs such as your heart have higher energy requirements, and therefore require more CoQ10 to function properly. Statins deplete your body of CoQ10, which can have devastating results.
As your body gets more and more depleted of CoQ10, you may suffer from fatigue, muscle weakness and soreness, and eventually heart failure. Interestingly, heart failure, not heart attacks, are now the leading cause of death due to cardiovascular diseases. Coenzyme Q10 is also very important in the process of neutralizing free radicals. So when your CoQ10 is depleted, you enter a vicious cycle of increased free radicals, loss of cellular energy, and damaged mitochondrial DNA.
How to Optimize Your Cholesterol Levels, Naturally
There's no doubt that statin drugs can wreak havoc with your health, and there's compelling evidence that most people who currently take them simply do not need them. The fact is that 75 percent of your cholesterol is produced by your liver, which is influenced by your insulin levels. Therefore, if you optimize your insulin level, you will automatically optimize your cholesterol!
By modifying your diet and lifestyle in the following ways, you can safely modify your cholesterol:
- Reduce, with the plan of eliminating, grains and sugars in your diet, replacing them with mostly whole, fresh vegetable carbs. Also try to consume a good portion of your food raw.
- Make sure you are getting enough high quality, animal-based omega 3 fats, such as krill oil.
- Other heart-healthy foods include olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, organic raw dairy products and eggs, avocados, raw nuts and seeds, and organic grass-fed meats as appropriate for your nutritional type.
- Exercise daily.
- Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.
- Be sure to get plenty of good, restorative sleep.
Unlike statin drugs, which lower your cholesterol at the expense of your health, these lifestyle strategies represent a holistic approach that will benefit your overall health - which includes a healthy cardiovascular system.
Excerpted from:
La Tahzan (Jangan Bersedih)!

Buku Best seller yang terkenal diseluruh dunia. La Tahzan (jangan bersedih) adalah buku yang penting buat semua orang, penuh dengan saranan-saranan praktikal bagaimana seharusnya seorang muslim menjalani kehidupan ini, kerana memang seorang muslim tidak seharusnya “bersedih”. Baca buku ini dan temukan banyak manfaatnya...
Reverse asthma naturally

by: Dr. David Jockers
Asthma is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of the lung. It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, bronchospasm and reversible airflow obstructions. Reverse asthma with natural lifestyle interventions, modulate the immune system and de-inflame the body.
Asthma is more of an immune imbalance than it is a lung disease. When the immune system gets triggered, it causes an inflammatory reaction to occur within the lung epithelial tissue. The bronchial tubes swell with fluid and mucous in order to isolate the insulting allergen. This swelling irritates the airways even further which results in an increased level of sensitivity.
Common environmental allergens that trigger the inflammatory immune response include mold, mites, dust, dander, chemicals & pollutants. It is critical to keep the home clean by using natural cleaning products with grape seed extract, which is a potent anti-fungal that keeps mold down. Dust and vacuum the house regularly and use high quality air filters.

The most common food allergens include processed and refined foods of all kinds. Food additives and preservatives like sodium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, and sulfur dioxide have caused severe attacks in asthmatics. Pasteurized dairy products, gluten containing grains, soy products, & peanuts are also highly inflammatory and mucous forming foods.
Asthmatics typically have a dysbiotic gut that is damaged and leaks out undigested food particles. This is at least partially responsible for the heightened immune sensitivity. Stabilizing the gut with high quality fermented foods such as red cabbage sauerkraut, kimchee, coconut kefir, raw milk kefir and amasai is very important.
Apple Cider vinegar is very useful for providing useful enzymes and reducing mucous formation. Drink a glass of clean water with 1-2 Tsp of ACV throughout the day to reduce mucous and to provide beneficial enzymes that help reduce inflammation.
An anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle are critical for full recovery from these conditions. Anti-inflammatory foods help to modulate the immune system and give it a more accurate pair of eyes so as to not over-inflame when stimulated. To effectively de-inflame it is key to completely avoid man-made foods, sugars, and food allergens as listed above. The long chain omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA powerfully de-inflame the body by restoring natural balance to the lipid wall of the cell membrane.
Other great anti-inflammatory foods include coconut products, berries, and non-denatured, whey protein from grass-fed cows and goats. This protein source is also loaded with L-glutamine and enhances cellular glutathione stores, which are both necessary for rebuilding the gut and de-inflaming the body.
Red onions and garlic contain sulfur compounds and the anti-oxidant flavonoid quercetin. These components have been shown to inhibit an inflammatory enzyme associated with asthma and other inflammatory disorders. Anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric, ginger, boswellia, cinnamon, rosemary, & oregano among others should be used as much as possible.
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased rates of asthma. In over 60 years of research, scientists have found vitamin D deficiency linked to lower lung functions, increased airway reactivity and worse asthmatic control. Vitamin D plays a strong role in modulating the inflammatory immune response by blocking pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 10. Asthma typically worsens in the winter and early spring when vitamin D is at its lowest.
Birth trauma and early childhood trauma to the upper cervical spine is highly associated with asthmatic symptoms. Chiropractic care focusing on the upper cervical region is particularly helpful for improving immunity and enhancing respiration. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore normal motion to the spine and optimal function to the neurological system. This modulates the immune system and reduces inflammation throughout the body.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033531_asthma_cures.html#ixzz1XWCyRcoc
The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

By Shahid Athar M.D.
At the onset of Ramadan Muslims all over the world start fasting from dawn to dusk daily for 30 days as ordained in Quran.
"O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa" (Quran 2:183)
The Arabic word Taqwa is translated in many ways including God consciousness, God fearing, piety, and self restraining. Thus we are asked to fast daily for one month from dawn to dusk and avoid food, water, sex and vulgar talk during that period.
But why do we need to fast? It is our experience that temptations and ways of the world tend to spoil our purity and austerity. Thus we indulge in food all of the time, snacking and nibbling the whole day, heading to obesity. We drink too much coffee, or tea, or carbonated drinks. Some sexaholics can not stay away from sex unless they do it at least once or more a day. When we argue, we leave our decency aside and resort to vulgar talk and even physical fighting.
Now when one is fasting, he or she cannot do all of that. When he looks at the mouth watering food, he cannot even taste it and he has to give up snacking and nibbling as well as smoking cigarettes if he does. No constant coffee, tea or Coke drinking either. Sexual passions have to be curtailed and when he is provoked to fight, he says " I am fasting that I cannot respond to your provocation". To achieve God consciousness or God nearness, a better word, we are advised to do additional prayer and read the Quran.
Medical benefits of Ramadan
Muslims do not fast because of medical benefits which are of a secondary nature. Fasting has been used by patients for weight management, to rest the digestive tract and for lowering lipids. There are many adverse effects of total fasting as well as of crash diets. Islamic fasting is different from such diet plans because in Ramadan fasting, there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake. The calorie intake of Muslims during Ramadan is at or slightly below the nutritional requirement guidelines. In addition, the fasting in Ramadan is voluntarily taken and is not a prescribed imposition from the physician.

Ramadan is a month of self-regulation and self training, with the hope that this training will last beyond the end of Ramadan. If the lessons learned during Ramadan, whether in terms of dietary intake or righteousness, are carried on after Ramadan, there effects will be long lasting. Moreover, the type of food taken during Ramadan does not have any selective criteria of crash diets such as those which are protein only or fruit only type diets. Everything that is permissible is taken in moderate quantities.
The difference between Ramadan and total fasting is the timing of the food; during Ramadan, we basically miss lunch and take an early breakfast and do not eat until dusk. Abstinence from water for 8 to 10 hours is not necessarily bad for health and in fact, it causes concentration of all fluids within the body, producing slight dehydration. The body has its own water conservation mechanism; in fact, it has been shown that slight dehydration and water conservation, at least in plant life, improve their longevity.
The physiological effect of fasting includes lowering of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol and lowering of the systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramadan fasting would be an ideal recommendation for the treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity, and essential hypertension. In 1994 the first International Congress on "Health and Ramadan", held in Casablanca, entered 50 extensive studies on the medical ethics of fasting. While improvement in many medical conditions was noted; however, in no way did fasting worsen any patients' health or their baseline medical condition. On the other hand, patients who are suffering from sever diseases, whether type I diabetes or coronary artery disease, kidney stones, etc., are exempt from fasting and should not be allowed to fast.
There are psychological effects of fasting as well. There is a peace and tranquility for those who fast during the month of Ramadan. Personal hostility is at a minimum, and the crime rate decreases. Muslims take advice from the Prophet who said, "If one slanders you or aggresses against you, say I am fasting."
This psychological improvement could be related to better stabilization of blood glucose during fasting as hypoglycemia after eating, aggravates behavior changes. There is a beneficial effect of extra prayer at night. This not only helps with better utilization of food but also helps in energy output. There are 10 extra calories output for each unit of the prayer. Again, we do not do prayers for exercise, but a mild movement of the joints with extra calorie utilization is a better form of exercise. Similarly, recitation of the Quran not only produces a tranquility of heart and mind, but improves the memory.
One of the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan is called the night of power when angels descend down, and take the prayer of worship to God for acceptance.
Fasting is a special act of worship which is only between humans and God since no one else knows for sure if this person is actually fasting. Thus God says in a hadith qudsi that "Fasting is for Me and I only will reward it". In another hadith, the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) has said "If one does not give up falsehoods in words and actions, God has no need of him giving up food and drink".
Happy Ramadan to all Muslims.

Shahid Athar M.D. is Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis, Indiana, and a writer on Islam.
Dr.Tateishi’s Cancer Healing Formula
by Dr. Tateishi Kazu
What This Remedy May Do:
- Heal Cancer
- Restore injured joints and bone structure
- Slow down the aging process
- Rejuvenate the skin
- Heal Cataracts
- Heal liver disorders
- Lower high blood pressure
- Improve heart conditions
- Reduce brain tumors and other head-injury problems
- Reduce high white blood cell counts
- Improve T-cell function
When cancer strikes a family, what course of action should one take? Dr. Tateishi Kazu's father and brother both died of cancer. And then he found himself suffering from cancer of the duodenum and spreading. His stomach was removed, but the cancer cells had spread to his lungs. He resolved to fight for his life. He researched, studied and tested over 1,500 types of herbs and plants. Eventually he discovered the right combination of ingredients and formulated a unique healing vegetable soup and brown rice tea with its own molecular powers. The vegetables are rich in green chlorophyll, amino acids, iron, phosphorous, calcium, all in a natural form.
He based his soup on the principles of Five Elements theory, the harmonizing balance of the forces of yin and yang, acid and alkaline that engenders health as opposed to the imbalance, which leads to disease.
The five elements in our environment are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Because of the balance of the five elements, the earth is able to produce life. Dr. Tataishi Kazu used the essence of the five elements. Each essence possesses its own color: green, red, yellow, white and black. These relate to the corresponding internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidneys. He used the concept of the five different colors as matched to specific vegetables.
- Green/Daikon Radish Leaves
- Red/Carrot
- Yellow/Burdock Root
- White/Daikon Radish
- Black/Shittake Mushrooms
Notes: This is a remedy for all age groups. When the soup is ingested, it produces thirty different elements for fighting disease. Within three days, it can stop the growth of cancer cells. Even for some last-stage cancer patients, it can lead to 100% remission. Patients who have subsisted on feeding tubes for nourishment, when given the soup, after two days regained their strength. Over 10,000 last-stage cancer patients have used this remedy. 99% are alive and were able to return to work. Bottom of Form 1.
Vegetable Soup Recipe - (2 day's quantity)

white daikon
daikon greens

burdock root

shiitake mushroom
Ingredients: -
- 16 ounces white daikon
- 8-10 ounces white daikon greens
- 8-10 ounces carrot
- 8 ounces burdock root (called Gobo in Japanese, Uang in Korean, Ngao pong or Niu pang in Chinese)
- 3-5 fresh shitake mushrooms (sundried) - if not sundried, expose dried mushrooms to sun again.
Directions: -
1. Don't peel anything! Don't add any seasoning!
2. Fill a pot with three times the quantity of water as the vegetable. When it comes to a boil, reduce the flame and simmer for two hours. Strain and drink.
Brown Rice Tea Recipe
Another remedy that can be used in conjunction with the vegetable soup is brown rice tea. It is a good diuretic for ridding excess water from the body. For diabetics, it can bring the sugar level down by producing more natural insulin in the body. It cleanses the blood and blood vessel. A person with a heart condition drinking both soups in 20 days will be able to regulate their problem by drinking three cups per day. For a regular cancer patient, about two cups.
1.- 1 cup brown rice
2. 16 cups water
Note: only cook in stainless steel or glass. Do not mix with any other ingredients. Don't be "creative."
Directions: -
1. Roast the rice without oil until dark brown but don't burn. Boil 8 cups of water and pour roasted rice into water. Turn off flame, cover and let sit five minutes. Strain out rice and reserve liquid.
2. Boil 8 more cups of water. Put the remaining rice back in the water. Cover, lower flame and simmer five minutes. Strain rice out. Mix the two rice waters together.
Special Notes: -
- The amount one needs depend on the condition. The more serious the condition, the more tea.
- Do not drink tea while taking a high protein substance.
- Don't drink the vegetable soup and brown rice tea together. Wait at least 15 minutes apart.
- If you use this remedy regularly you will never be sick.
Some possible reactions: -
- itchy skin or eczema
- If you use medications and/or have eczema, use less because of stronger reaction
- People with head injury problems may develop headaches but don't worry.
- People with eye problems may get temporary blurred vision or itching around eyes. Eyesight will get better. If you wear prescription glasses, try to reduce the prescription and use glasses less frequently.
- Lowering of body temperature, but this is normal.
Notes: For high blood pressure, drink the two soups alternately but slowly. Blood pressure will come down after one month. Talk to a doctor about reducing medication, but don't stop medication right away. Use remedy for minimum of one month.
Progress of Healing
- After three days of use, cancer cells stop growing.
- After a minimum of one month normal cells begin to grow back.
- Pancreatic Cancer: minimum 1 month
- Stomach Cancer: 1 month
- Liver Cancer: 1 year
- Rheumatism: 1 year
- Cataracts: 4 months
- Eye Disease: 1-4 months
- Insomnia, Sinusitis, Fatigue: 10-20 days
- Eczema: 4-7months
- Liver Spots: 3-6 months skin will clear
- Hair growth: 6-12 months
- Epilepsy: 3-6 months
- Stroke: 6-12 months
- Irregular heart beat: 20 days
Notes: If you are on medication, consult with a doctor to adjust your dosage. This remedy works for some people. It may not work for you. It is not intended to replace the traditional treatments.
Q1: Are ingredients of the vegetable soup recipe measured in fluid ounces or real weights?
A1: Dr. Antonia Martinez Director of the Healing Spirit said that their recipe uses the real weights and not the fluid ounces as in other food recipes.
Q2: Do people using the Vegetable Soup have side effects or reactions?
A2 : Depending on individual bodies, some people using the Vegetable Soup could have side effects/reactions. Reactions are classified in 2 categories: -
Natural Reaction: Ingredients in the Vegetable soup have lots of medicinal effects and contain chemicals that are working on human cells to make them better and stronger, and in the same time purify and cleanse blood stream to push out LDL (bad cholesterol) and fat. Reactions could be itches on the skin, itches around eyes, blurring eyes but these reactions will go away in a few days. If reactions persist stop the HLEF for a few weeks and start again.
Patient or user mistakes could be ranging from: -
- (1) using the wrong kind of ingredients especially the Chinese mushrooms instead of the Japanese Shiitakes.
- (2) the proportion of vegetables making the soup is not followed closely.
- (3) using wrong type of saucepan. Must use stainless steel saucepan to cook.
- (4) vegetable soup left outside in room temperature more than 6 hours can turn out to have bad smelling or color changes to green or white. Throw it away at once. Vegetable Soup should be stored in glass container and refrigerated.
- (5) drinking the Vegetable Soup and the Brown Rice solution together or in the same time. People are reporting serious reactions when taking those two solutions in the same time. Must drink them separately with half-hour or one hour apart.
Q3: How much vegetable soup can one consume a day?
A3: For:
- Diabetes take 600 cc of Brown rice (BR) solution in the morning and 400 cc of Vegetable Soup (VS) in the afternoon.
- Heart problem: 300 cc of BR and 600 cc of VS
- Gall stones: 600 cc of BR and 600 cc of VS.
- Other diseases: About 600 cc (2.5 cups) of VS a day divided in 3 rations before meals.
DO NOT DRINK Vegetable Soup and Brown Rice Solution in the same time. The interval needed between consumption of BR and VS must be at least 30 minutes or 1 hour apart to be safe.
This herb gets its name from bur, for its tenacious burrs, and dock old English for plant. Many scientists are skeptical about Burdock and its uses. However, as a healing herb it has a potential for treating cancer. Early Chinese physicians, as well as Ayurvedic healers, used Burdock as a remedy for colds, flu, throat infections and pneumonia. During the 14th Century, its leaves were pounded in wine and used to treat leprosy. From 1930-1950, Burdock was used as an ingredient in alternative cancer treatments.
The FDA noted that too much of this herb can cause side effects and lists Burdock as an herb of "undefined safety". However, German researchers have discovered fresh Burdock root contains polyacetylenes, a chemical that kills disease-causing bacteria and fungi. It also reduces mucus and prevents formation of gall and kidney stones. As Burdock contains vitamin A and selenium, it can eliminate free radicals.
Its chromium content helps regulate blood sugar levels. Other qualities of this herb, set forth in the magazine Chemotherapy, identified a chemical (arctigenin) in Burdock which acts as an inhibitor of tumor growth.
!!! This herb should not be used by pregnant women.!!!
Burdock is also known by the names Bardane, Clotburr, Beggars Buttons, Gypsy Rhubarb, Gobo, and Burr. In traditional herbal texts, Burdock Root is described as a "blood purifier" or "alterative", and was believed to clear the bloodstream of toxins.
Medicinally, Burdock Root has been used both internally and externally for eczema and psoriasis, as well as to treat painful joints and as a diuretic.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Burdock Root, in combination with other herbs, is used to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, and even measles.
It is eaten as a vegetable in Japan and elsewhere. Burdock is a mild laxative. It also aids in the elimination of uric acid. The herb contains polyacetylenes that have both anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties. By improving the function of many organs of elimination (liver, kidneys, bowels), many health conditions can be improved.
Burdock Root contains high amounts of inulin and mucilage. This may explain its soothing effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Bitter constituents in the root may also explain the traditional use of Burdock to improve digestion. The polyacetylene constituents have also been shown to have anti-microbial activity. Burdock Root (and the fruit) also has the ability to mildly lower blood sugar (hypoglycemic effect).
Medicinal Action and Uses
Alterative, diuretic and diaphoretic. One of the best blood purifiers. In all skin diseases, it is a certain remedy and has effected a cure in many cases of eczema, either taken alone or combined with other remedies, such as Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.
The root is principally employed, but the leaves and seeds are equally valuable. Both root and seeds may be taken as a decoction of 1 OZ. to 1 1/2 pint of water, boiled down to a pint, in doses of a wineglassful, three or four times a day.
The anti-scorbutic properties of the root make the decoction very useful for boils, scurvy and rheumatic affections, and by many it is considered superior to Sarsaparilla, on account of its mucilaginous, demulcent nature; it has in addition been recommended for external use as a wash for ulcers and scaly skin disorders.
An infusion of the leaves is useful to impart strength and tone to the stomach, for some forms of long-standing indigestion.
When applied externally as a poultice, the leaves are highly resolvent for tumours and gouty swellings, and relieve bruises and inflamed surfaces generally. The bruised leaves have been applied by the peasantry in many countries as cataplasms to the feet and as a remedy for hysterical disorders.
From the seeds, both a medicinal tincture and a fluid extract are prepared, of benefit in chronic skin diseases. Americans use the seeds only, considering them more efficacious and prompt in their action than the other parts of the plant. They are relaxant and demulcent, with a limited amount of tonic property. Their influence upon the skin is due largely to their being of such an oily nature: they affect both the sebaceous and sudoriferous glands, and probably owing to their oily nature restore that smoothness to the skin which is a sign of normal healthy action.
The infusion or decoction of the seeds is employed in dropsical complaints, more especially in cases where there is co-existing derangement of the nervous system, and is considered by many to be a specific for all affections of the kidneys, for which it may with advantage be taken several times a day, before meals.
Treats certain cancers, prevents diabetes
Burdock's name is a combination of bur, for its spiked seed covers - burrs - that grab onto anything that touches them, and dock, Old English for "plant." Many scientists dismiss burdock as useless, but like its seeds, its reputation as an herbal healing agent clings tenaciously because of its subtle tonic benefits and its intriguing potential as a treatment for cancer.
Throughout history, burdock has been recommended for an astonishing number of illnesses. Ancient Chinese physicians used it to treat colds, coughs, tonsillitis, measles, skin infections and snakebite. Traditional European and American herbalists and homeopaths prescribed it for colds, arthritis, gout, stomach problems, fever, canker sores, leprosy, boils, gonorrhea, ringworm and infertility. They also considered it an excellent diuretic, and prescribed it for urinary tract infections, kidney problems and painful urination.
True, burdock is not powerfully therapeutic. But Daniel B. Mowrey, PhD, director of the American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City, Utah, and author of The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, insists that it deserves its enduring place in herbal healing because of its value as a tonic - a subtle strengthener with cumulatively helpful effects.
"Burdock's action is mild, but real," Dr. Mowrey explains. "It has antibacterial and antiviral powers, and it reduces blood sugar, which helps prevent diabetes. I recommend using a little every day. And when you're ill, use it in addition to standard therapies."
With Compliments from Chong Min Liong