"And He feeds me and quenches my thirst and when I fall sick then He (Allah) cures me" [Soorah Shu'araa: 80]


Apakah Berubat Merosakkan Tawakal?


Artikel di bawah saya terjumpa dalam email.Rasanya eloklah dikongsi untuk kebaikan bersama.Semoga bermanfaat dan diberi ganjaran setimpal oleh Allah kepada penulisnya..

Oleh: Al Ustadz Abdul Mu'thi Al Maidani

Tema ini masih berkaitan dengan perbahasan hadis Ibnu Abbas radhiallahu `anhuma yang lalu mengenai orang-orang yang masuk syurga tanpa hisab dan tanpa azab. Salah satu sifat mereka adalah bertawakal kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala semata. Barangkali sebahagian muslimin beranggapan bahawa berubat akan mengikis kesempurnaan tauhid. Alasannya adalah kerana berubat merupakan penggunaan sesuatu sebab yang berlawanan dengan tawakal kepada Allah. Sehingga seorang yang bertawakal tidak perlu untuk berubat bila sakit. Jika Allah mahu menyembuhkannya, maka dia akan sembuh tanpa perlu berubat. Akan tetapi, benarkah mengambil sesuatu sebagai sebab berlawanan dengan tawakal kepada Allah?

Marilah kita semak tulisan berikut ini.
Sesungguhnya Rasulullah shallallahu' alaihi wasallam pernah mengutarakan masalah berubat, sebagaimana di dalam beberapa hadis. Di antaranya,

1. Dari Jabir Bin Abdullah radhiallahu' anhu, bahawa Rasulullah shallallahu `alaihi wasallam bersabda,
"Setiap penyakit pasti memiliki ubat. Bila sesuatu ubat bertepatan dengan penyakitnya maka dia akan sembuh dengan seizin Allah `azza wa jalla." (HR. Muslim)

2. Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu' anhu, bahawa Rasulullah shallallahu `alaihi wasallam bersabda,
"Tidaklah Allah menurunkan sesuatu penyakit melainkan menurunkan pula ubatnya." (HR. Al Bukhari dan Muslim)

3. Dari Usamah bin Syarik radhiallahu' anhu, bahawa beliau berkata,
"Aku pernah di sisi Rasulullah shallallahu' alaihi wasallam lalu datanglah sekumpulan arab dusun. Mereka bertanya, "Wahai Rasulullah, bolehkah kami berubat? ." Baginda menjawab, "Iya, wahai para hamba Allah berubatlah. Ini kerana Allah `azza wa jalla tidaklah meletakkan sesuatu penyakit melainkan meletakkan pula ubatnya, kecuali satu penyakit." Mereka bertanya, " Penyakit apakah itu? ." Baginda menjawab, "Penyakit ketuaan." (HR. Ahmad, Al Bukhari dalam Al-Adabul Mufrod, Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah dan At-Tirmidzi, beliau berkata bahawa hadis ini hasan sahih. Syaikhuna Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'i mensahihkan hadis ini di dalam kitabnya Al-Jami'us Sahih mimma Laisa fish Sahihain 4/486)

4. Dari Ibnu Mas'ud radhiallahu' anhu, bahawa Rasulullah shallallahu' alaihi wasallam bersabda,
"Sesungguhnya Allah `azza wa jalla tidaklah menurunkan sesuatu penyakit melainkan menurunkan pula ubatnya. Ubat itu diketahui oleh orang yang boleh mengetahuinya dan tidak diketahui oleh orang yang tidak boleh mengetahuinya. " (HR. Ahmad, Ibnu Majah dan Al-Hakim, beliau mensahihkannya dan disepakati oleh Adz-Dzahabi. Juga Al-Bushiri mensahihkannya dalam kitab Zawaidnya. Lihat Takhrij Al-Arnauth atas Zadul Ma'ad 4/12-13)

Al Imam Ibnu al-Qayyim rahimahullah berkata, "Di dalam hadis-hadis yang sahih ini terdapat perintah untuk berubat dan ia tidak bertentangan dengan tawakal. Sebagaimana menolak penyakit yang berbentuk rasa lapar, haus, panas dan dingin dengan lawan-lawannya, ia tidak menghilangkan tawakal. Bahkan tidak sempurna hakikat tauhid kecuali dengan mengambil sebab yang Allah letakkan sebagai faktor yang akan melahirkan akibat, baik secara ketentuan takdir mahupun hukum syariat. Menolak sebab dapat merosakkan tawakal itu sendiri. Demikian pula dapat merosakkan dan melemahkan nilai perintah Allah dan hikmah-Nya. Sementara orang-orang yang menolak kerana mereka beranggapan bahawa yang demikian itu akan lebih menguatkan tawakal. Sedangkan menolak sebab merupakan sebuah kelemahan yang boleh menghilangkan tawakal. Ini kerana hakikat tawakal adalah seseorang itu menyandarkan hatinya kepada Allah di dalam mengambil manfaat dan menolak bahaya, baik pada agama mahupun dunianya. Penyandaraan hati ini mesti disertai dengan mengambil sebab. Jika tidak, maka dia akan menggugurkan hikmah Allah dan syari'at-Nya. Oleh kerana itu, janganlah seorang hamba menjadikan kelemahannya sebagai sikap bertawakal dan jangan pula dia menjadikan tawakalnya sebagai sebuah kelemahan." (Lihat Zadul Ma'ad, cet. Maktabah Ar-Risalah 4/14)

Berubat merupakan perkara yang diperselisihkan hukumnya di kalangan para ulama. Tentunya perselisihan mereka berpunca daripada perbezaan di dalam memahami dalil-dalil yang datang pada bab ini. Terdapat tiga pendapat di kalangan para ulama dalam menentukan hukum berubat.

Pertama, menurut sebahagian ulama bahawa berubat diperbolehkan tetapi yang lebih utama tidak berubat. Ini merupakan mazhab yang masyhur daripada Al-Imam Ahmad rahimahullah.

Kedua, menurut sebahagian ulama bahawa berubat adalah perkara yang disunnahkan. Ini merupakan pendapat para ulama pengikut mazhab Syafi'i rahimahumullah. Bahkan Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah dalam kitabnya Syarh Sahih Muslim menisbahkan pendapat ini kepada mazhab majoriti salaf dan khalaf. Pendapat ini pula yang dipilih oleh Abul Muzhaffar. Beliau berkata, "Menurut mazhab Abu Hanifah bahawa berubat adalah perkara yang sangat ditekankan. Hukumnya hampir mendekati wajib."

Ketiga, menurut sebahagian ulama bahawa berubat dan meninggalkannya sama saja, tidak ada yang lebih utama. Ini merupakan Mazhab Al-Imam Malik rahimahullah. Beliau berkata, "Berubat adalah perkara yang tidak mengapa demikian pula meninggalkannya. " (lihat Fathul Majid halaman 88-89)

As-Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin rahimahullah memiliki method yang cukup baik di dalam mempertemukan beberapa pendapat di atas. Beliau memperincikan hukum berubat kepada beberapa keadaan:

1. Bila diketahui atau diduga kuat bahawa berubat sangat bermanfaat dan meninggalkannya akan mengakibatkan kemudharatan, maka hukumnya wajib.
2. Bila diduga kuat bahawa berubat sangat bermanfaat namun meninggalkannya tidak mengakibatkan kemudharatan yang pasti, maka berubat lebih utama.
3. Bila dengan berubat, peluang sembuh dan mudharat memiliki kadar kemungkinan yang sama, maka meninggalkannya lebih utama, agar dia tidak melemparkan dirinya dalam kehancuran tanpa sedar.
(lihat Asy-Syarhul Mumti' 2/437)

Salah satu sifat orang-orang yang masuk syurga tanpa hisab dan tanpa azab adalah bertawakal kepada Allah semata.

Sifat ini bukan bererti mereka tidak menjalani sebab sama sekali. Ini kerana secara global menjalani sebab merupakan perkara fitrah dan tertanam secara spontan. Tidak seorang pun boleh terlepas daripada menjalani sebab. Bahkan bertawakal itu sendiri merupakan sebab yang paling terbesar, sebagaimana firman Allah ta'ala,

"Barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan (keperluan)nya." (Ath-Thalaq: 3)

Dengan demikian mereka hanya meninggalkan perkara yang makruh walaupun mereka memerlukannya, dengan tetap bertawakal kepada Allah, seperti meminta diruqyah. Mereka meninggalkan perbuatan ini kerana keadaannya sebagai sebab yang makruh. Terlebih lagi orang yang sakit, dia akan bergantung dengan apa sahaja yang dianggapnya sebagai sebab untuk sembuh meskipun dengan sarang labah-labah (yang sangat lemah).
Adapun mengambil sebab dan berubat dalam bentuk yang tidak mengandungi hukum makruh, maka ia tidak merosakkan tawakal. Oleh kerana itu meninggalkannya tidak disyariatkan, sebagaimana yang difahami daripada hadis-hadis yang telah kita senaraikan di atas. (Lihat Fathul Majid 87-88).

Mengambil sebab boleh menjadi perbuatan syirik dan boleh pula merupakan ibadah dan tauhid kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Menjadi syirik apabila orang yang mengambilnya menyandarkan hati kepadanya, merasa tenang dengannya, dan meyakini bahawa sebab itu sendiri yang dapat melahirkan akibat tanpa Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Dia berpaling daripada Zat Yang Menciptakan Sebab dan menjadikan perhatiannya hanya terbatas kepada sebab itu.
Sedangkan ia boleh menjadi tauhid dan ibadah bila dia menganggapnya hanya sebagai bentuk penunaian, pelaksanaan dan penegakan hak ibadah yang terdapat padanya. Lalu menempatkannya pada tempat yang sesuai. Maka mengambil sebab dengan cara yang seperti ini merupakan satu bentuk ibadah dan tauhid kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Ini kerana hal itu tidak memalingkannya daripada menghadapkan hati kepada Zat Pencipta sebab tersebut.
Seorang yang bertauhid dan bertawakal kepada Allah tetap mengambil sebab tetapi tidak menyandarkan hati, tenang, berharap, takut dan condong kepadanya. Hatinya hanya tertuju dan tergantung kepada Zat Pencipta Sebab subhanahu wa ta'ala. Namun bukan bererti dia menolak, menggugurkan dan mengabaikan untuk mengambil sebab.

Tawakal adalah salah, baik secara hukum syariat mahupun logik kecuali apabila ia digantungkan hanya kepada Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala semata. Tidak ada di alam nyata ini sebab yang sempurna dan dapat melahirkan akibat dengan sendirinya kecuali kehendak Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Kehendak Allah merupakan sebab bagi segala sebab. Allah telah menjadikan padanya kekuatan yang akan memberi kesan. Tidak ada satu sebab pun yang boleh melahirkan akibat dengan sendirinya melainkan mesti disertai oleh sebab yang lain. Allah menjadikan bagi setiap sebab lawan-lawan dan perkara-perkara yang dapat menghalangnya. Hal ini tentunya berbeza dengan kehendak Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Kehendak-Nya tidak memerlukan sebab apapun selainnya. Tidak ada sebab apapun yang dapat melawan dan membatalkannya. Namun kadang-kala Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala membatalkan hukum kehendak-Nya dengan kehendak-Nya. Dia menghendaki sesuatu perkara lalu menghendaki lawannya dan perkara yang menghalang terjadinya. Seluruhnya dengan kehendak dan pilihan Allah. Oleh kerana itu tawakal tidak dibenarkan kecuali hanya kepada-Nya. Demikian pula penyandaran diri, rasa takut, harapan, keinginan tidak ditujukan kecuali kepada-Nya.

Nabi shallallahu `alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
"Aku berlindung dengan redha-Mu daripada murka-Mu, dengan pemeliharaanmu daripada seksa-Mu. Dan dengan-Mu daripada-Mu." (HR. Muslim dan Abu Daud)

"Tidak ada tempat selamat dan berlindung dari Zat-Mu kecuali kepada Zat-Mu." (HR. Muslim)

Apabila kita mengumpulkan antara bertauhid dan mengambil sebab, maka hati kita akan lurus dalam menuju Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Dengan demikian, jelaslah jalan besar yang dilalui oleh seluruh rasul, nabi dan pengikut mereka. Itulah jalan yang lurus iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Allah beri nikmat atas mereka. Semoga Allah selalu membimbing kita. (Lihat Madarijus Salikin, cet Dar Ihyaut Turots Al-Arabi, 3/368-369)

Wallahu a'lam bishshawab


Keep The Body Alkaline For Optimum Health

-From Natural News Oct 20,2009

Our bodies are alkaline by design and acid by function. This means that our bodies function more efficiently when slightly alkaline, but bodily functions, such as digestion, are acid producing. So what can we do to ensure that our bodies remain more alkaline and balanced?

The human body's metabolic process is naturally acid producing. However, this waste needs to be neutralized or "balanced" so it can be safely eliminated from the body without damaging tissues and organs that are responsible for detoxifying the body. Alkalinity is needed to neutralize and balance acidity. The presence of alkalinity in the body's acid producing environment is counteractive to the onset of illness and disease and also prevents decomposition.

"Acidosis" refers to an acid pH. It is an imbalanced acidic condition of all bodily fluids. Almost all cellular functions in the body are sensitive to the pH of their fluids. If the pH falls too far to the acidic side the cells become poisoned in their own toxic wastes and will die. All chemical processes have an ideal pH. Your blood should have a pH of 7.35 - 7.45.

Many studies show that people with a correct blood pH enjoy good health; whereas, people with a low, or acidic, pH are more likely to be ill. The slightest imbalance can cause serious illness and disease.The body will do whatever it must to maintain the blood pH balance, and will continually steal acid-neutralizing minerals from wherever necessary, such as calcium from bones and teeth. The blood will dump the acid into other body organs in an effort to detoxify itself. The organs then dump the acid back into the blood, creating a vicious cycle of trying to rid itself of acidity. This cycle can be ended with a properly balance pH.

Symptoms of mild cases of acidosis include headache, lack of energy, sleepiness, fast and shallow breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and loss of appetite. Acidosis can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporoses, high blood pressure and most cancers.Metabolic acidosis occurs when the body has more acidity then alkalinity in it. Eating a diet of excessive meats, grains and breads, dairy products, sugar, overcooked, refined and processed foods and fast foods, can lead to an acidic pH balance. Other factors can include overload from pollutants and chemicals, emotional stress and negative thinking. Even excessive exercising (past the point of exhaustion) causes acidity.

The most important way to stay alkaline is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

- Increase the amounts of vegetables and fruit (alkaline foods) that you eat while decreasing the amount of acid-forming foods, such as grains, dairy products, pasta and breads. Juicing vegetables can be an excellent way to increase your alkaline food intake.Just because a fruit or vegetable may be acid, that doesn't mean it will be acid when it is digested. When foods are digested, they turn into "ash". This ash is what determines if a food is acid or alkaline.- It is important to remember that the method of cooking will also have either an acidic or alkaline reaction. For example, a potato that is baked or boiled in its jacket is alkaline food, whereas a fried potato is acid-forming.

- Make sure you drink at least 2 liters of good water per day. Normal tap water falls short of being good for you. Most city water has additives such as chlorine and fluoride, which are acid forming. Distilled water, water treated by reverse-osmosis or alkaline waters are best.

- Stress - Joy helps to alkalize the body. Take time to relax, have fun and laugh!

- Exercise will tend to make the body more alkaline, but exercising excessively will become acid-forming


RESET-Program Pelangsingan Badan Terbaik

RESET merupakan satu Program Pelangsingan Badan dari USANA HEALTH SCIENCE.

Yang unik tentang RESET ialah anda tidak perlu berlapar dan bersenam dengan melampau.

Paling PENTING ialah anda memilih makanan yang betul dan mengambil supplement seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Pakar kami.

Anda TIDAK perlu mengira/mengetahui kalori makanan tetapi anda perlu mengetahui serba sedikit tentang Glycaemic Index iaitu istilah yang kian popular digunakan oleh saintis di seluruh dunia.

Apakah Glycaemic Index (GI)?

GI adalah indeks yang menunjukkan berapa cepatnya glukosa (gula) diserap ke dalam darah, selepas kita makan makanan berkarbohidrat. Makanan ber'G.I' tinggi membebaskan glukosa dengan sangat cepat, manakala makanan G.I rendah membebaskan glukosa dengan perlahan dan seragam. Karbohidrat dibahagikan kepada 3 kategori:-

  1. G.I tinggi (70 ke atas)-cth: nasi, roti putih, corn flakes, kentang

  2. G.I sederhana (50-70)-cth: nasi (beras basmathi), roti 'whole grained', keledek, gula makan

  3. G.I rendah (50 ke bawah)-cth: kebanyakan sayuran dan buahan.

Untuk list glycaemic index, rujuk http://www.glycemicindex.com/

Dengan memakan makanan GI tinggi akan menyebabkan pembebasan hormon Insulin dari pankreas dengan cepat dan banyak.Insulin adalah hormon yang akan menukarkan karbohidrat kepada lemak.Disamping itu, Insulin meningkatkan risiko penyakit darah tinggi, jantung, kolesterol dan kanser (http://www.mercola.com/)

Perhatikan, punca kepada banyak penyakit sebenarnya adalah Insulin dan kunci untuk pengurangan berat badan adalah mengurangkan rembesan Insulin pada setiap kali makan (dengan mengambil makanan GI rendah)

Bagaimana Cara Yang Betul?

Sebelum itu anda kena tahu BMI (body mass index) anda.

BMI = Berat (dlm kg)/Tinggi (kuasa 2) (dlm meter)


Berat anda 80 kg.Tinggi 1.6 meter.

BMI= 80/(1.6x1.6) = 31.25

BMI yang normal ialah dalam range 18-23.

Untuk mendapat berat yang ideal, darabkan BMI 23 dengan tinggi kuasa 2 anda.

Dalam contoh di atas, berat ideal yang sepatutnya dicapai oleh anda ialah 23 x 2.56 = 58.8 kg.

Inilah berat yang sepatutnya dicapai oleh anda. Oleh itu anda perlu turunkan berat sebanyak 80-58.8= 21 kg.


-Supplemen yang diperlukan: Essentials (AO Pro+Chelated Mineral) dan Nutrimeal

Fasa 1 (RESET)

-Berlangsung selama 5 hari sahaja

-Mengambil Essentials 1 tablet 3x sehari dan Nutrimeal 2-3 scoops 3x sehari

-'Snacking' dengan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran antara waktu makan.

-Secara purata anda boleh turun berat sehingga 5 kg selepas 5 hari ini.


-Berjalan sehingga anda mencapai berat badan yang diingini

-Mengambil Essentials 1 tablet 3x sehari dan Nutrimeal 2-3 scoops 2x sehari

-'Snacking' dengan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran antara waktu makan

-Mengambil makanan rendah GI

Fasa 3 (MANTAIN)

-Berat badan anda akan kekal dan tidak akan 'rebound'

-Mengambil Essentials 1 tablet 3x sehari dan Nutrimeal 2-3 scoops sekali sehari

Kes Terbaru:

Miss X ) (H/P 0139701872) (identiti dirahsiakan di atas sebab privacy).

-Berusia 37 tahun dan berkerjaya. Berat badan 115 kg dan mempunyai diabetis, darah tinggi dan kolesterol. Kadar gula dalam darah sebelum rawatan: 27 mmol/L.Tekanan darah 210/110

-Beliau mendaftar dalam program RESET dan mengambil Essentials dan Nutrimeal.

-Selepas 2 bulan, berat terbaru adalah 104 kg.Kadar gula: 10.4 mmol/L. Tekanan darah 140/90.

Untuk lebih info:-



Boleh call sms:-
-Dr Hapizi (0179351516)
-Wan (0179221625)
-Hariri (0199061992)


Indahnya Alam..

"Sesungguhnya dalam perciptaan langit dan bumi dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang terdapat tanda-tanda bagi ulul albab. (Iaitu) orang-orang yang mengingati Allah sambil berdiri ataupun duduk ataupun dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka banyak berfikir tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi dan kemudian berkata,'Wahai Tuhan kami, Engkau tidak menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia.Maha suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami daripada seksa neraka.."
(Al-Quran:Ali Imran:190-191)

Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day,― there are indeed Signs for men of understanding.― (190) Men who celebrate the praises of Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire. (191)


The Science of Miracles and the Power of Prayer

I find it quite exciting that science and spirituality are now coming together.

It is beginning to look like the ancient humans were right about how the universe works—it just took science a while to catch up.

In the above video, Gregg Braden discusses the first of three experiments about the newly “discovered” web of energy that surrounds and occupies us all. The two other experiments he mentioned are even more compelling and should draw the attention of even the most skeptical minds.

Experiment #2: Connections Beyond of Time and Space

The second group of experiments was actually done by the military. They collected leukocytes (white blood cells) from donors and placed them into chambers so that their electrical charges could be measured. Then the donor was placed in a different room in the same building as the chamber containing his DNA. He was then subjected to emotional stimulation, using video clips.

Both the donor and his DNA were monitored for their electrical responses.

As the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys, the DNA exhibited electrical responses at the same time. There was no lag time—no transition time. The matches were exact and instantaneous.

The experiment was repeated at longer distances between donor and DNA, up to 50 miles. In every case, the donor and his DNA showed the same effect, simultaneously.

What can this mean?

Gregg Braden’s interpretation is:

“Living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized form of energy that is not affected by time or distance. This is a non-local form of energy that already exists everywhere, all the time.”

Experiment #3: Connection through Emotions

The third experiment was done by the Institute of Heartmath, and it involved human placental DNA, which is the most pristine form of DNA. It was again placed into a container from which they could measure its changes.

Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given to 28 researchers, who were specially trained in how to generate and feel strong emotions on demand. The results were astounding.

Each DNA sample changed shape according to its researcher’s feelings:

When the researchers felt love, joy, and gratitude, the DNA responded by relaxing: the strands unwound and actually lengthened.

When the researchers felt anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA tightened up, became shorter, and even switched off many of its codes!

When the researchers felt love, joy, and gratitude again, the codes switched back on.

The experiment was later followed up by testing HIV-positive patients. Here, researchers discovered that feelings of love, joy and gratitude resulted in the HIV patients becoming 300,000 times more resistant to the virus than when they were not feeling these emotions.

What Does This Mean For Your Health?

The implications of this are staggering!

Think about it.

If your DNA can affect all of the energy around you, what could you potentially create in your life if you zero in on the things you truly want?

The possibilities are limitless…

-No matter what viruses or bacteria are floating around you, you can stay well by staying in positive feelings such as of love, joy and gratitude.

-You can stay safe and grounded, regardless of your external situation.

-You have the ultimate power to create the health you want.

-You can enhance your relationships without “doing” anything.

-You can attract anything you desire, as long as you stay in the right emotional state.

-Excerpted from www.Mercola.com


Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Dari Perspektif Holistik

Saya tertarik nak mengulas buku ni atas beberapa sebab:-

1)'Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Dari Perspektif Holistik'- satu topik yang begitu dekat dengan 'jiwa' saya
2)Penerbitnya-Universiti Malaya-yang merupakan alma matter saya yang tercinta
3)Salah seorang penulis buku ni iaitu Prof Dr Wan Azman Wan Ahmad yang merupakan bekas pensyarah perubatan (cardiology) yang begitu disegani dan dihormati.Seorang lagi penulis ialah Prof Madya Dr Fatimah Ibrahim, dari Jabatan Kejuruteraan Perubatan.

Lalu anda semua lihatlah topik-topik yang dikarang oleh penulis-penulis yang menerangkan secara mendalam, tetapi ringkas dan mudah difahami, tentang aspek perubatan Islam dengan penekanan kepada pencegahan penyakit jantung.

Sebuah buku yang patut dimiliki di setiap rumah!

Tajuk : Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Dari Perspektif Holistik
Pengarang : Fatimah Ibrahim & Wan Azman Wan Ahmad
Penerbit : Universiti Malaya
ISBN : 978-983-2417-52-1
Mukasurat : 87
Status Stok : ADA

Kehidupan adalah satu anugerah Tuhan yang sangat berharga. Ia bermula dengan denyutan jantung yang pertama semasa kita berada di dalam perut ibu dan tamat dengan denyutan jantung yang terakhir. Apabila kita meneliti bagaimana jantung kita berfungsi, kita dapat melihat keajaiban organ yang sebesar genggaman tangan ini merasai kebesaran dan keagungan pencipta-Nya. Sesuatu yang begitu penting dan berharga yang telah diamanahkan kepada kita sejak bermula kehidupan kadang-kadang menyebabkan kita tidak tahu untuk menghargainya. Kebiasaan manusia apabila sudah terkena penyakit jantung atau lemah jantung, barulah mula sedar betapa besarnya nikmat tersebut. Buku ini adalah rentetan dari buku Solat Kebaikan Dari Perspektif Sains. Fokus buku ini adalah kepada pencegahan penyakit jantung dari perspektif holistik yang menerangkan pencegahan dari aspek perubatan moden dan Islam.


BAB 1: Mengenali Jantung Anda
- Pengenalan
- Ruangan (Kompartmen) Jantung
- Proses Pengaliran Dan Sistem Kardiovaskular
- Sistem Elektrikal (Konduksi)

BAB 2: Penyakit Kardiovaskular
- Pengenalan
- Strok (Angin Ahmar)
- Tekanan Darah Tinggi
- Aneurysm
- Kegagalan Jantung Kongestif
- Angina
- Serangan Jantung

BAB 3: Atheroklerosis: Punca Kebanyakan Penyakit Kardiovaskular
- Pengenalan

BAB 4: Faktor-Faktor Risiko Atherosklerosis
- Pengenalan
- Faktor Risiko Tak Terkawal
- Faktor Risiko Terkawal
- Kencing Manis (Diabetis Mellitus)
- Obesiti
- Merokok
- Langkah Pencegahan

BAB 5: Pencegahan Atherosklerosis
- Pengenalan
- Pencegahan Atherosklerosis Dari Perspektif Perubatan Moden
- Rawatan Penyakit Jantung
- Rawatan Perubatan Menggunakan Ubat-Ubatan
- Rawatan Pembedahan Dan Angioplasti

BAB 6: Pencegahan Penyakit Kardiovaskular Menurut Gaya Hidup Islam
- Anjakan Paradigma
- Adab Makan Dan Minum Mengikut Cara Hidup Islam
- Menyebut 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim'
- Makan Secara Sederhana
- Berkat Dalam Makanan
- Postur Duduk Yang Disyorkan Semasa Makan
- Kesederhanaan Dalam Kehidupan
- Cara Hidup Sederhana Yang Diamalkan Oleh Penduduk Madinah
- Diet Pemakanan Yang Disyorkan Oleh Islam
- Limau
- Bijan Hitam
- Madu
- Buah Zaiton Dan Minyak Zaiton
- Kurma
- Pisang
- Anggur
- Delima

BAB 7: Gaya Hidup Cara Islam
- Pengenalan
- Doa
- Membaca Al-Quran
- Zikir
- Berjalan Kaki
- Solat
- Kebaikan Solat Untuk Kesihatan
- Kadar Denyutan Jantung
- Faktor-Faktor Mempengaruhi Kadar Denyutan Jantung
- Kajian Denyutan Jantung Pada Setiap Postur Solat

Utk order:-

atau hubungi saya sendiri-

dr_hapizi@yahoo.com (Saya akan pos ke alamat anda dengan tambahan kos courier RM 10)


Stevia-The Zero Calorie Sweetener

Stevia Rebaudiana is a small shrub native to portions of Northeastern Paraguay and adjacent sections of Brazil. It flourishes in the sandy soil of this elevated terrain and may grow to a height of 80 cm when it is fully mature. While native Indians of the Guarani Tribe appear to have used the leaves of this herb as a sweetener since pre-Columbian times, it was not until 1887 when a South American natural scientist named Antonio Bertoni first "discovered" it.

The sweet secret of Stevia lies in a complex molecule called Stevioside which is a glycoside composed of glucose, sophorose and steviol. It is this complex molecule and a number of other related compounds that account for Stevia Reubaudiana's extraordinary sweetness. The Stevia herb in its natural form is approximately 10 to 15 times sweeter than common table sugar. Extracts of Stevia in the form of Steviosides can range anywhere from 100 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar. And best of all, Stevia does not affect blood sugar metabolism according to most experts. Some studies even report that Stevia reduces plasma glucose levels in normal adults.

Dr.H's Comment:-

Many of us may have been addicted with sugar-which, as we all know is associated with multiple health problems-obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart diseases etc etc.
So why not change our regular table sugar to natural sweetener like stevia? Make a smart choice..
You are what you eat!

Product available in our health store:

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Top 5 Habits to Increase Longevity

-From Yahoo! Health

Is it really possible for anyone to live happily to 100? The good news is that your body was designed to be 100 - you just have to get out of the way.Getting out of the way means taking an honest look at the habits and lifestyle you are living with today. Most of us have developed habits that limit our true health potential.
But don't let these bad habits of the past discourage you - it is never too late to make new choices. What you did in the past can be changed, and your body will respond in kind. What matters is what you do from this moment forward.

Top 5 Daily Habits for Your Longevity

It takes 14 to 21 days of repetitive behavior to form a new pattern in your brain. Once the pattern is formed, it becomes an automatic behavioral response.
As you develop new healthy habits, they will begin to replace bad habits. These healthy lifelong habits are adapted straight from the time-tested traditions practiced by centenarians all around the world, and I can say with certainty that they will transform and rejuvenate you!

Eat five small meals a day.

In the Western culture, meals are taken three times a day, but it is much better to eat five smaller meals. When you eat smaller portions five times a day, you deliver a steady stream of nutrients, blood sugar, and energy to your body throughout the day.
Additionally, eating this way is less taxing on the digestive and metabolic systems and also reduces your risk of heart disease.

Climb the stairs instead of using elevators.

The health benefits of a daily exercise program cannot be stressed enough. Regular exercise can help promote physiological well-being, strengthen the immune system, maintain joint mobility, increase energy - and the list goes on.
Look for opportunities all through your day to work in physical activity. Power-walk, run, or ride your bike instead of driving. Begin a daily tai chi practice. Join a gym and actually go! Practice safely and watch your health results pile up.

Laugh it up!

We know from research that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help protect the body from illness and cancer. Laughter also increases the release of endorphins, compounds that give you a sense of well-being, in your brain. Without a doubt, joyful people live longer and healthier lives.

Drink 8 glasses of water every day.

Water is essential for all healthy body functions. Centenarians from around the globe cite their native water as the source of their health and longevity - and the scientists agree with them. What they all have in common is pure water sources located far from any city, free from chemicals and toxins.
Choose filtered water; the best filtration processes are the ones that use activated charcoal, which removes the impurities but leaves the water-soluble minerals. Also, do not store water in plastic containers because the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can leach into the water.

Unwind with meditation.

Stress is the root cause of most of the diseases that shorten our life span. In our modern society stress will continue to increase - unless you find techniques to manage it. Meditation is the best way to release tension and revitalize your being. It teaches you to breath properly, which is critical for eliminating up to 70% of your body's toxins and wastes. It also quiets your mind, lowers your stress hormones, and teaches self-discipline, which is a necessary attribute to achieving your health and longevity goals. Try this beginning meditation:Sit comfortably on a chair or the floor. Breathe naturally and close your eyes. Each time a thought appears, put it inside a balloon and let it fly up into the sky and disappear. Do this until the thoughts are exhausted. After a bit, your body will feel very light, and your mind will become still. The first few times it may take a while, but it will get easier and faster with practice.I hope you use these healthy habits for years to come! I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me. May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao


Top researcher who worked on cervical cancer vaccine warns about its dangers

More on HPV Vaccination controversy from Natural News..


Thursday, October 08, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

One of the key researchers involved in the clinical trials for both Gardasil and Cevarix cervical cancer vaccines has gone public with warnings about their safety and effectiveness. This highly unusual warning against these vaccines by one of Big Pharma's own researchers surfaced in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Express in the UK over the last few days. There, Dr. Diane Harper openly admitted the vaccine doesn't even prevent cervical cancer, stating, "[The vaccine] will not decrease cervical cancer rates at all."This is astonishing news. The whole push behind the cervical cancer vaccines is based on the belief that they prevent cervical cancer. That belief, it turns out, is a myth.Dr. Harper also warned that the cervical cancer vaccine was being "over-marketed" and that parents should be warned about the possible risk of severe side effects from the vaccine. She even concluded that the vaccine itself is more dangerous than the cervical cancer it claims to prevent!

Hysteria over genital warts?In a New York Times article published last year, Dr. Harper spoke about the fear-based marketing of Gardasil by Merck:"'Merck lobbied every opinion leader, women's group, medical society, politicians, and went directly to the people -- it created a sense of panic that says you have to have this vaccine now..."This behavior by drug companies -- using fear tactics to promote a particular disease in order to sell the "treatment" -- is called disease mongering. Most of the pharmaceutical profits generated today are based on precisely this tactic: Spread the fear, then sell the treatment. Read more about disease mongering here: http://www.naturalnews.com/disease_mongering.htmlYou can also toy around with the NaturalNews disease mongering engine, where you can invent your own diseases at the click of a button: http://www.naturalnews.com/disease-mongering-engine.aspWhy is disease mongering so important to the profits of the drug companies? They figured out many years ago that selling drugs only to those people who are sick was a very limited income opportunity. To rake in the real profits, they needed to devise a way to sell drugs to healthy people (i.e. people who don't need them). That's what cervical cancer vaccines really are: A scheme to sell vaccines to people who aren't suffering from any disease at all.That one of the industry's own researchers is willing to speak out against this is not just highly unusual; it's also highly courageous.

It makes you wonder: Who, exactly, is this Dr. Harper?

Dr. Diane HarperDr. Harper is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She studied additional courses at Stanford and received her medical degree from the University of Kansas. She was a key researcher in both Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines, and she's one of the most experienced researchers in the world on HPV-related diseases. She's done work for both Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.Dr. Harper's warnings about cervical cancer vaccines are especially relevant considering her expertise in the cost/benefit analysis of vaccines. Her conclusion is that cervical cancer vaccines aren't worth the risks, nor are they worth all the effort being put into hyping them to the public. "This may not be the best use of our resources at this time," she said in a Washington Post article.So why do cervical cancer vaccines continue to be pushed by doctors and health authorities across the US, UK and other first-world nations? Because Big Pharma is the great corporate puppeteer that's pulling the strings of legislators. With enough money and lobbyists, you can always overcome scientific thinking with fear-based marketing and under-the-table deal-making. Science-based medicine has no place in a world where disease is big business. There's a ridiculous amount of money to be made by pushing vaccines onto people who don't need them.


Vaksin HPV:Adakah Berbaloi?

Beberapa hari lepas, Menteri Kesihatan mengumumkan akan memberi vaksin Human Papilomavirus (HPV) secara percuma kepada remaja perempuan rakyat Malaysia. (Human papilomavirus (HPV) telah dikaitkan sebagai penyebab utama insidens kanser pangkal rahim).Soalan saya: adakah berbaloi dengan duit pembayar cukai yang dilaburkan atau ianya 'mengenyangkan' sesetengah pihak? Nilaikan sendiri dan baca juga artikel di bawah tentang risikonya..

Study Reveals Serious HPV Vaccine Problems: Fainting, Blood Clots, Death Among Risks

Saturday, September 12, 2009

by: S. L. Baker, features writer

(NaturalNews) At first glance, a study just published in the August 19th edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is yet another whitewash job about the safety of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine --better known as Gardasil, the genital human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Licensed in June of 2006 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for girls and young women between the ages of nine and 26, the enormously hyped and advertised vaccine is designed to prevent infection with four types of HPV: types 16 and 18 can cause cervical cancer and types 6 and 11 are the most common types of genital warts.The JAMA report says that the Gardasil adverse events reported have been mostly consistent with data gathered before the vaccine was considered safe enough to be widely administered to young girls. But a close reading shows some disturbing additional facts. Just as NaturalNews has consistently reported, the vaccine has caused an extraordinary number of adverse side effects
And now comes word from the JAMA report that the HPV vaccine has unexpectedly caused episodes of fainting and life-threatening blood clots. In fact, in a statement to the media, these events were called "disproportional" -- meaning these side effects are anything but rare. What's more, among the 12,424 adverse reaction reports about the HPV vaccine, 772 (6.2 percent) were serious and included 32 reports of death. Other problems caused by the vaccine include local site reactions, skin rashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches and even Guillain-Barre syndrome (a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system sometimes causing paralysis) and anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity reaction that can cause sudden death).
As just reported by CBS news, the teenage daughter of physician Scott Ratner and his wife was one of the unfortunate girls who became severely ill with a chronic autoimmune disease, myofasciitis, after her first dose of Gardasil. Dr. Ratner told CBS his daughter was so ill with the neurological problem "..she'd have been better off getting cervical cancer than the vaccination."One the lead researchers for Gardasil has also gone public this week, telling CBS news there is no data showing that the vaccine even remains effective beyond five years. That means that if a ten year old girl is given the vaccine and subjected to possibly serious and even life-threatening side effects, the vaccine may offer her no protection at all when she hits her teens or young adulthood.
What makes the debate about Gardasil crazy to begin with is that studies have shown 70 to 90 percent of people with HPV naturally clear the virus from the body within two years of infection -- with no help from drugs or vaccines.
So the most effective protection from problems caused by HPV is to avoid being infected by the multiple strains of HPV by not engaging in promiscuous, unprotected-by-condoms sex (the virus is transmitted sexually and condoms do not offer 100 percent protection) and by keeping your body's immune system strong and healthy through good nutrition, exercise and exposure to sunlight.
In an editorial accompanying the JAMA study, Charlotte Haug, M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc., of The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association in Oslo expressed her concerns about the aggressively promoted Gardasil vaccine:
"Whether a risk is worth taking depends not only on the absolute risk, but on the relationship between the potential risk and the potential benefit. If the potential benefits are substantial, most individuals would be willing to accept the risks. But the net benefit of the HPV vaccine to a woman is uncertain. Even if persistently infected with HPV, a woman most likely will not develop cancer if she is regularly screened..."


CoQ10 and Cancer Treatment

Mrs. H, a lady in 30's is a case of endometrial (womb) cancer stage 3b. She already completed radiotherapy in a tertiary centre in KL.

As part of holistic approach cancer treatment, she was advised to take fairly high dose of CoQ10 (60 mg 3 times a day).

Now what is CoQ10? Thanks to a nice article by William Faloon on September 2009 issue of Life Extension Magazine.

CoQ10 and Cancer Treatment

By William Faloon

For more than a decade, Life Extension® has reported on small clinical studies that demonstrate beneficial effects in those with certain cancers who supplement with coenzyme Q10.

More recent studies have not only documented clinical improvements, but also have identified probable mechanisms by which CoQ10 may help slow tumor growth. Some of these mechanisms include immune augmentation, suppression of vascular endothelial growth factor (that facilitates tumor angiogenesis), and reduction of inflammatory markers that may facilitate cancer cell propagation.

Questions and Answers About Coenzyme Q10
What is coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q 10 is a compound that is made naturally in the body. The Q and the 10 in coenzyme Q10 refer to the groups of chemicals that make up the coenzyme. Coenzyme Q10 is also known by these other names:
-Vitamin Q10.
A coenzyme helps an enzyme do its job. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the rate at which natural chemical reactions take place in cells of the body. The body’s cells use coenzyme Q10 to make energy needed for the cells to grow and stay healthy. The body also uses coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that protects cells from chemicals called free radicals. Free radicals can damage DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Genes, which are pieces of DNA, tell the cells how to work in the body and when to grow and divide. Damage to DNA has been linked to some kinds of cancer. By protecting cells against free radicals, antioxidants help protect the body against cancer.
Coenzyme Q10 is found in most body tissues. The highest amounts are found in the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. The lowest amounts are found in the lungs. The amount of coenzyme Q10 in tissues decreases as people get older.

What is the history of the discovery and use of coenzyme Q10 as a complementary or alternative treatment for cancer?

Coenzyme Q10 was first identified in 1957. Its chemical structure was determined in 1958. Interest in coenzyme Q10 as a possible treatment for cancer began in 1961, when it was found that some cancer patients had a lower than normal amount of it in their blood. Low blood levels of coenzyme Q10 have been found in patients with myeloma, lymphoma, and cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, pancreas, colon, kidney, and head and neck.
Studies suggest that coenzyme Q10 may help the immune system work better. Partly because of this, coenzyme Q10 is used as adjuvant therapy for cancer. Adjuvant therapy is treatment given following the primary treatment to increase the chances of a cure.

What is the theory behind the claim that coenzyme Q10 is useful in treating cancer?

Coenzyme Q10 may be useful in treating cancer because it boosts the immune system. Also, studies suggest that CoQ10 analogs (drugs that are similar to CoQ10) may prevent the growth of cancer cells directly. As an antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 may help prevent cancer from developing.
Refer to the PDQ health professional summary on coenzyme Q10 for more information on the theory behind the study of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of cancer.

How is coenzyme Q10 administered?

Coenzyme Q10 is usually taken by mouth as a pill (tablet or capsule). It may also be given by injection into a vein (IV). In animal studies, coenzyme Q10 is given by injection.

Have any preclinical (laboratory or animal) studies been conducted using coenzyme Q10?

A number of preclinical studies have been done with coenzyme Q10. Research in a laboratory or using animals is done to find out if a drug, procedure, or treatment is likely to be useful in humans. These preclinical studies are done before any testing in humans is begun. Most laboratory studies of coenzyme Q10 have looked at its chemical structure and how it works in the body. The following has been reported from preclinical studies of coenzyme Q10 and cancer:

-Animal studies found that coenzyme Q10 boosts the immune system and helps the body fight certain infections and types of cancer.
-Coenzyme Q10 helped to protect the hearts of study animals that were given the anticancer drug doxorubicin, an anthracycline that can cause damage to the heart muscle.
-Laboratory and animal studies have shown that analogs of coenzyme Q10 may stop cancer cells from growing

Have any clinical trials (research studies with people) of coenzyme Q10 been conducted?

There have been no well-designed clinical trials involving large numbers of patients to study the use of coenzyme Q10 in cancer treatment. There have been some clinical trials with small numbers of people, but the way the studies were done and the amount of information reported made it unclear if benefits were caused by the coenzyme Q10 or by something else. Most of the trials were not randomized or controlled. Randomized controlled trials give the highest level of evidence.

In randomized trials, volunteers are assigned randomly (by chance) to one of 2 or more groups that compare different factors related to the treatment.
In controlled trials, one group (called the control group) does not receive the new treatment being studied. The control group is then compared to the groups that receive the new treatment, to see if the new treatment makes a difference.
Some research studies are published in scientific journals. Most scientific journals have experts who review research reports before they are published, to make sure that the evidence and conclusions are sound. This is called peer review. Studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals are considered better evidence. No randomized clinical trials of coenzyme Q10 as a treatment for cancer have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
The following has been reported from studies of coenzyme Q10 in people:

Randomized trial of coenzyme Q10 and doxorubicin

A randomized trial of 20 patients looked at whether coenzyme Q10 would protect the heart from the damage caused by the anthracycline drug doxorubicin. The results of this trial and others have shown that coenzyme Q10 decreases the harmful effects of doxorubicin on the heart.

Studies of coenzyme Q10 as an adjuvant therapy for breast cancer

Small studies have been done on the use of coenzyme Q10 after standard treatment in patients with breast cancer:
In a study of coenzyme Q10 in 32 breast cancer patients, it was reported that some signs and symptoms of cancer went away in 6 patients. Details were given for only 3 of the 6 patients. The researchers also reported that all the patients in the study used less pain medicine, had improved quality of life, and did not lose weight during treatment.
In a follow-up study, two patients who had breast cancer remaining after surgery were treated with high doses of coenzyme Q10 for 3 to 4 months. It was reported that after treatment with high-dose coenzyme Q10, the cancer was completely gone in both patients.

In a third study led by the same researchers, 3 breast cancer patients were given high-dose coenzyme Q10 and followed for 3 to 5 years. The study reported that one patient had complete remission of cancer that had spread to the liver, another had remission of cancer that had spread to the chest wall, and the third had no breast cancer found after surgery.
It is not clear, however, if the benefits reported in these studies were caused by coenzyme Q10 therapy or something else. The studies had the following weaknesses:
The studies were not randomized or controlled.
The patients used other supplements in addition to coenzyme Q10.
The patients received standard treatments before or during the coenzyme Q10 therapy.
Details were not reported for all patients in the studies.

Anecdotal reports of coenzyme Q10

Anecdotal reports are incomplete descriptions of the medical and treatment history of one or more patients. There have been anecdotal reports that coenzyme Q10 has helped some cancer patients live longer, including patients with cancers of the pancreas, lung, colon, rectum, and prostate. The patients described in these reports, however, also received treatments other than coenzyme Q10, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

Have any side effects or risks been reported from coenzyme Q10?

No serious side effects have been reported from the use of coenzyme Q10. The most common side effects include the following:
Insomnia (being unable to fall sleep or stay asleep).
Higher than normal levels of liver enzymes.
Pain in the upper part of the abdomen.
Feeling sensitive to light.
Feeling irritable.
Feeling very tired.

It is important to check with health care providers to find out if coenzyme Q10 can be safely used along with other drugs. Certain drugs, such as those that are used to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar levels, may decrease the effects of coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 may change the way the body uses warfarin (a drug that prevents the blood from clotting) and insulin.

As noted in Question 1, the body uses coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant. Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals. Some conventional cancer therapies, such as anticancer drugs and radiation treatments, kill cancer cells in part by causing free radicals to form. Researchers are studying whether using coenzyme Q10 along with conventional therapies has any effect, good or bad, on the way these conventional therapies work in the body.

Is coenzyme Q10 approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use as a cancer treatment in the United States?

Coenzyme Q10 is sold as a dietary supplement and is not approved by the FDA for use as a cancer treatment. In the United States, dietary supplements are regulated as foods, not drugs. This means that approval by the FDA is not required before coenzyme Q10 is sold, unless specific health claims are made about the supplement. Also, the way companies make coenzyme Q10 is not regulated. Different batches and brands of coenzyme Q10 supplements may be different from each other.

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