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Adab Persetubuhan Dalam Islam

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Kali ni Pakcik paparkan topik yang ramai orang minat :). Begitulah indah dan syumulnya Islam, sehingga bab adab-adab persetubuhan pun digariskan dengan begitu sempurna dan mengambil kira naluri semulajadi manusia..
Manfaat bersetubuh adalah dapat terpeliharanya pandangan mata dan niat jahat, sanggup menahan gejolak hawa nafsu dan terpeliharanya diri dari perbuatan haram (zina). Ini semua mendatangkan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat
Sebelum melakukan persetubuhan, hendaklah lebih dahulu bercumbu, saling mencium dan mengulum lidah isteri. Demikian yang dilakukan Rasulullah s.a.w dengan isteri-isteri baginda. Rasulullah s.a.w melarang bersetubuh yang tidak didahului dengan cumbu rayu
Dari Jabir bin Abdullah r.a berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w melarang persetubuhan sebelum dilakukan cumbu rayu
Setelah bersetubuh maka harus dilakukan mandi junub (mandi hadas besar)
Apabila seorang suami ingin mengulangi persetubuhan dengan isterinya sebelum mandi, maka hendaklah ia berwuduk
Dari Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, ia berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda:"Apabila salah seorang kamu telah selesai mendatangi keluarganya (menyetubuhi isterinya) kemudian ia ingin mengulanginya, maka hendaklah ia berwuduk" (H.R Muslim)
Waktu untuk bersetubuh
Bersetubuh yang membawa manfaat adalah yang dilakukan setelah makanan dapat dicerna dalam perut, keadaan tubuh normal, tidak panas dan tidak sejuk, tidak dalam keadaan lapar kerana badan sedang menurun, tidak dalam keadaan kenyang kerana dapat menimbulkan penyakit sesak nafas dan tidak sedang dilanda emosi yang tinggi seperti marah, sedih, takut dan sebagainya.
Jangan bersetubuh kecuali ketika ghairah seks sedang bangkit kerana dengan demikian mani akan sempurna keluarnya tanpa dipaksa. Jangan memaksa-maksa timbulnya ghairah seks. Hindari bersetubuh dengan budak, orang terlampau tua, orang sakit dan orang yang tidak mempunyai ghairah seks kerana akan menimbulkan kelemahan pada tubuh.
Waktu bersetubuh yang baik ialah di akhir malam ketika makanan telah dicerna dengan baik. Setelah itu pergi mandi atau berwuduk, baru tidur kembali, dan hindarkan dari melakukan gerak yang banyak atau bersukan selepas itu. Dengan demikian tubuh akan kembali kuat dan segar.
Bersetubuh dengan wanita yang dicintai, tidak terlalu melemahkan badan dan mani keluar/memancar dengan sempurna. Sedang bersetubuh dengan wanita yang dibenci sangat melelahkan dan mani tidak memancar dengan sempurna. Bersetubuh dengan wanita yang sedang haid, hukumnya haram baik kerana keadaan wanita itu sendiri mahupun kerana syarak
Dalam bersetubuh, keadaan yang terbaik adalah lelaki di atas badan si wanita yang dalam posisi telentang bagaikan tempat tidur.
Posisi yang buruk adalah si wanita berada di atas tubuh si lelaki ataupun si lelaki menyetubuhi si wanita dari belakangnya. Keduanya menyalahi kudrat manusia sebagai lelaki dan wanita menjadi sifat jantan dan betina pada haiwan.
Kemudaratan yang ditimbulkannya adalah mani sukar untuk keluar seluruhnya yang kadang-kadang menjadi terpendam dalam salah satu bahagian badan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya pembusukan yang akhirnya menimbulkan penyakit. Di samping itu dapat jadi hawa sejuk (kelembapan) vagina wanita mengalir ke dalam penis si lelaki. Rahim wanita juga tidak dalam posisi yang mantap untuk menerima pancaran mani yang dapat menghasilkan bakal calon manusia baru.
Dipetik dari kitab karangan Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jauziyah.'At-Tibun Nabawi' (Sistem Pengubatan di Zaman Rasul)
Fatwa Council says yoga with worshipping, chanting is prohibited

“Because of this, we believe that it is inappropriate for Muslims to do yoga and the council has declared that practising yoga when it comes all together with the three elements as haram.
“We discourage Muslims to do yoga as a form of exercise because it will ultimately lead to religious worshipping and chanting which is against Islam.
He added that the council had come up with an edict on yoga as the matter was brought up to them following growing concerns whether it would be against the religion if Muslims do the exercise.
He added after studying the matter, including the history and purpose of yoga where the ultimate aim was to “be one with God”, the council decided that it was inappropriate for Muslims as it could affect one’s faith.
“The fatwa (edict) is meant solely for the Muslims to follow. The non-Muslims need not question or debate about this because they are free to do whatever they wish. It is the Muslims who have to adhere to this,” he added.
“Malaysia is not the only country which declare yoga as haram in Islam. Singapore and Egypt have come out with the same edict as well,” he said.
Propolis and Cancer
(Surah an-Nahl: 68-69)
In my previous article, I've written about honey and its medicinal benefits. Now let's look at another miracle product by the bees-PROPOLIS
Watch this great videos from Harun Yahya's:
What is propolis?
To make simple, we can think of propolis as bee's own medicine.
It is a mixture of various resins collected by the honeybees from plants - particularly from flowers, leaf buds and the bark of trees.
Carried on their back legs, bees use propolis as some sort of natural cement to strengthen and seal cracks in their hives.
Propolis basically contains very rich vitamin A, B complex, E, H, P etc, more than 10 minerals, 10 amino acids.Among the contents, includes the most 10 different Bio-flavonoids (a powerful antioxidant)
Benefits of propolis
Recent studies has shown many benefits of propolis such as in improving immune system, treating burns, increasing fertility,helping bowel problems, improving antibiotics effectiveness and other. However I just want to concentrate on a very interesting and promising part of it-CANCER treatment
Propolis and Cancer
Brazillian propolis has been shown to have a compaound called Artepillin C that kills cancer cells and inhibits tumour growth. Its mechanism of action includes inducing tumour cells apoptosis (cell death), direct anti-tumour activity and lastly by activation of immune cells to release anti-tumour factors (perforin granules, Tumour Necrosis Factor-TNF) to destroy tumour cells

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS kerap terjadi pada org yg kerjanya menggunakan pergelangan tangan secara berulang-ulang dan berterusan cth: typist, tailor, carpenter, chatters (:)) dan lain-lain.
Apakah 'carpal tunnel'?
-Ianya laluan (terowong) sebesar ibu jari yang terletak pada tapak tangan dan dilalui oleh satu saraf penting (median nerve) yang menyarafi jari-jari tangan. Tekanan secara berlebihan dan berulang-ulang pada bahagian ini menyebabkan median nerve tersepit di dalam 'carpal tunnel' dan menghasilkan simptom spt kesakitan, kebas dan lemah tangan.
-Sila jumpa doktor jika ianya mengganggu aktiviti seharian anda spt tidur dan kerja
Carpal tunnel syndrome-ujian dan rawatan
Beberapa ujian klinikal akan dijalankan oleh doktor untuk mempastikan anda benar-benar mnyai masalah ni. Ujian saraf spt electromyogram dan nerve conduction study mungkin juga dilakukan.
Rawatan biasanya pada peringkat awal menggunakan ubat-ubatan penahan sakit spt NSAIDS dan anti-keradangan (steroids). Jika ini tidak berkesan, doktor yang berpengalaman boleh membuat satu suntikan steroid tepat ke bahagian 'carpal tunnel' ini.
Worst come to worst, kaedah pembedahan (carpal tunnel release) adalah jalan terakhir di mana saraf median yang tersepit akan di 'release'kan
Carpal tunnel syndrome-explained:
Langkah pencegahan:
Plantar Fasciitis

Saya mendapat email pertanyaan ini dari seorang Hamba Allah:-
Disini saya ingin bertanya berkenaan penyakit sakit tapak kaki, tiada apa2 tanda di tapak kaki, tapi merasa sakit yg amat sangat bila hendak berjalan.Penyakit ini dialami oleh seorang sahabat dan meminta saya menanyakan nya di dalam group ini. Beliau juga ingin mengetahui apa kah punca penyakit ini dan apakah cara untuk mengubati nya..??.Pada sesiapa yg pernah mengalami diharap sudi membantu untuk mengubati penyakit sahabat ini.
Dr. H:-
Daripada cerita sahabat kita di atas, dapat saya simpulkan, beliau mengalami suatu penyakit plantar fasciitis (PF) dalam istilah perubatan.
Apakah plantar fasciitis (PF)?

Ianya adalah keradangan (inflammation) pada plantar fascia (lapisan pelidung keras) pada tapak kaki, yang menyambungkan tulang tumit (heel bone) kpd jari kaki.
Simptoms: sakit pada tapak kaki, terutama pada bhgian tumit, terutama waktu pagi dan semasa berdiri lama.
Faktor penyebab:
Plantar fascia bertindak sbg 'shock absorber' kaki. Bila terlalu kuat daya yang berulang-ulang (repetitive forces) pada bahagian kaki, ini akan menyebabkan fascia koyak, seterusnya bengkak dan radang.
Antara faktor-faktor penyumbang:
1) Aktiviti fizikal berlebihan spt ahli sukan, pelari jarak jauh dan 'joggers'
2) Arthritis-penyakit sendi tertentu menyebabkan keradangan pd tendon kaki seterusnya menyebabkan plantar fasciitis
3) Diabetes-PF lebih biasa berlaku pd penghidap diabetes (sbb tak diketahui)
4) Faktor mekanikal kaki-spt orang yang 'flat-footed' atau cara berjalan yang salah
5) Pemakaian kasut yang salah- kasut 'high heels', bertapak nipis atau terlampau longgar yang tidak menyokong keselesaan kaki.
6) Berlebihan berat badan
Doktor akan memeriksa secara rapi untuk 'confirm' diagnosis dan mengenalpasti punca PF pada pesakit. Kebiasaannya X-ray kaki akan dibuat dan biasanya ada 'spur' (tulang tajam) pada tumit.

Ubat penahan sakit diberikan untuk kelegaan yang cepat. Biasanya saya juga akan mengesyorkan supaya pesakit berusaha meurunkan berat badan (bagi yg overweight), melebihkan pengambilan sayur dan buahan (sebagai antioxidants) dan in fact mereka juga disyorkan mengambil supplement antioxidant yang baik. Saya juga megesyorkan mereka mengambil omega 3 fish oil (sebagai anti-inflammation).
JIka langkah-langkah di atas tidak berkesan, saya biasanya akan membuat injection steroid, terus kepada tempat yang sakit itu. ini biasanya (dari pengalaman) sangat berkesan, dan ada yang 'pain-free' sehingga setahun.
Kalau tak berkesan juga, saya akan merujuk kepada pakar ortopedik (tulang). pembedahan (plantar fasciotomy) adalah langkah terakhir.
Video di bawah menunjukkan beberapa exercise yang boleh dilakukan untuk membantu mengurangkan kesakitan yang dialami oleh pesakit.
Semoga bermanfaat utuk semua.
Makanan 'Panas' atau 'Sejuk'-dari Perspektif Sufi

What Is Islamic Medicine?

After all, let me remind myself again that the our Goal in this life Is getting the ridha of Allah Swt.
Let us together do a 'muhasabah' (self-criticism) and get back to the right track..
I found this informative article that clearly defines what Islamic Medicine is..
With the growing movement for the restoration of Islamic values, there is an increasing demand on Muslim scientists to restore and develop the Islamic sciences. It is essential, however, for the Muslim scientist to have a clear and sound understanding of the science he is expected to restore and develop. The majority of Muslim health professionals have no clear idea as to what Islamic medicine is. Even the ones who have an idea may differ in their concept and definition of Islamic Medicine. The question then arises: What is Islamic Medicine?
Is it the Id medicine (?Sufi Healing), still being practiced by some Hakims in the east? Is it natural medicine utilizing mostly herbs, diets and lifestyle adjustments? Is it a medicine limited to the health related teachings found in the Qur'an and the prophet's tradition? Is it primarily faith-healing and prayers for the sick? Is it customary medicine given an Islamic label? Or is it some new discovery providing a cure for almost all ills? None of the above is in itself Islamic Medicine, but all together, and a great deal more, are its ingredients.
According to Islamic teaching, God has made available a treatment for every illness, He has created. This teaching implies that every available and useful treatment known to us should be utilized, and that if a treatment for a certain illness is not yet known to us, it is our duty to search for it until we find it.
Therefore, Islamic medicine cannot be limited to any branch of the healing arts which does not have the answer, or at least the potential to have the answer, to all illnesses. The treatment in question may be spiritual or physical exercise, nutritional adjustment, pharmaceutical preparation, be it all natural ingredients or purely synthetic, surgical procedure, radiation therapy, or a combination of any of these modalities.
Although Islamic Medicine may include, among many others, all the modalities of modern medicine, it differs from modern medicine in that it fulfills all the following six criteria:-
The first criterion is excellence and leading among other brands of the healing arts.
The second criterion of Islamic Medicine is that it is a medicine with faith and divine ethics. All evidence indicates that modern medicine has no faith in God as the Supreme authority, and that modern medical ethics are by no means Divine.
The third criterion of Islamic Medicine is that it is guided and oriented. Examination of current medical practices proves that modern medicine is quite misguided and disoriented
The fourth criterion of Islamic Medicine is that it is comprehensive, paying attention to body and spirit, the individual and society. Examination of our modern medicine will show that its approaches are usually one-sided and inadequate, leading in many instances to disastrous consequences
The fifth criterion of Islamic Medicine is that it is universal, utilizing all useful resources and offering its services to all mankind. Such a medicine must be willing to look into any potentially useful treatment modality, subject it to proper investigation, and utilize it if it proves to be useful. Modern medicine, however, seem to be quite reluctant to become involved with any treatment modality which does not originate from its own schools
The sixth criterion of Islamic Medicine is that it is scientific. The last thing one would expect is to declare modern medicine non-scientific. Unfortunately, it is.
The big question is: Can Islamic Medicine overcome all the problems of modern medicine, and can it provide its missing ingredients? The answer is a confident "yes". In all the problem areas of modern medicine listed in this paper, the deficiencies are either lack of ethical and moral guidance, lack of standardized value system, disregard of certain restrictive or instructive rules related to ingested materials, or disregard of certain hygienic and social guidelines governing human relations and social life. These missing items are the very one abundantly provided by Islamic teachings.
Read the full article: here

I found this great article about Homepathy in NaturalNews.com..enjoy reading..
By Louise Mclean, LCCH MHMA (Homeopathic Practitioner)
In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing art and science. Homeopaths are given few opportunities in the media to defend their profession, so a lot of misconceptions abound. The medical profession in general presents a fierce and blinkered opposition, yet as Big Pharma is learning of all sorts of amazing cured cases, they are determined to stamp out competition via EU regulation.
Myth No. 1 – Homeopathic medicines cure nothing
Myth No 2 – Homeopathic medicines are just water
Myth No. 3 – homeopathic medicines are unscientific
Myth No. 4 – homeopathic practitioners receive inadequate training
Myth No. 5 - there are no studies that prove homeopathy works
Myth No. 6 - Homeopathic hospitals are a waste of money
Myth No. 7 – Cure with homeopathy is simply the Placebo Effect.
Myth No. 8 - Homeopathic medicines contain no molecules
Myth No. 9 – ‘Anecdotal Evidence’ does not constitute scientific evidence!
This is the most interesting.. :)
Homeopathy..Treating the Whole Person or Holistic Healing
Read the full article:-
Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy
What You Need to Know About MELAMINE
1.What really is poisoned milk?
-It is the milk powder mixed with "MELAMINE"
2. What is Melamine use for?
-It is an industrial chemical use in the production of melawares
-It is also used in home decoration."US resistant board"
Got it?Melamine is use in industrial production,it cannot be eaten!
3. Why is Melamine added in milk powder?
-The most important nutrient in milk is protein. And Melamine has the same protein that contains "NITROGEN"
Adding Melamine in milk reduces milk content and it is cheaper then milk so it lowers capitalization. It can give the business man more profit!。
Below is Melamine,doesn't it look like milk?it doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected.
4. When was it discovered?
-Year 2007-US cats and dogs died suddenly, they found that pet food from China contains Melamine.
-Starting 2008, In China, an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones.
-August 2008- China Sanlu Milk Powder tested with Melamine
-Sept. 2008-New Zealand gov't ask China to check this problem
-Sept. 21, 2008-Lots of food products in Taiwan tested with Melamine
5. What happens when Melamine is digested?
-Melamine remains inside the kidney. It forms into stones blocking the tubes. Pain will be eminent and person cannot urinate. Kidney will then swell.
-Although surgery can remove the stones, but it will cause irreversible kidney damage. It can lead to loss of kidney function and will require kidney dialysis or lead to death because of uremia.
Why is it more serious in babies?Because the kidney is very small and they drink a lot of milk powder. Here is a baby undergoing dialysis:-
China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized
It does not matter how much a human being took Melamine. The important point is "It cannot be EATEN!"
6.What are the foods to be avoided?
Foods that contain dairy products should be avoided.
Remember: Foods with creamer or milk should be avoided !
6.Which companies are affected?
Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.
7.What do we do next?
Avoid the above foods for at least six months. If you have snack bar, restaurant or coffee shops, Stop selling dairy products for the meantime.If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.
Finally, share this information with friends sothey will understand the risk of milk poisoning.
Rawat histeria

Drugs Kill More People Than Ever, Report Finds

The 2008, first quarter report of deaths and serious injuries associated with drug therapy was recently released by The Institute for Safe Medication Practices, a nonprofit organization whose stated goal is to educate the healthcare community and consumers about safe medication practices. The findings of this report are astounding.
According to the information gathered from data submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration during the first quarter of 2008, there were 20,745 reported serious injuries associated with drug therapy, up 34% from the previous quarter, and up 38% from last year`s average. Even more eye-opening than the number of serious injuries is the number of reported deaths – 4,824 people were reported killed from pharmaceutical drugs in the first quarter of 2008, a 2.6 fold increase from the previous quarter. This figure represents the highest number of patient deaths ever reported in a single quarter as a result of drug therapy. It also accounts for more deaths than those due to homicide during the same period.
Read full article:-
Drugs Kill More People Than Ever, Report Finds
What is drug? (from wikipedia)