"And He feeds me and quenches my thirst and when I fall sick then He (Allah) cures me" [Soorah Shu'araa: 80]
::Salam Aidilftri::
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Tiada bulan seindah Ramadhan,
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Untuk lisan yang terlanjur,
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Hati yang berprasangka,
Dan segala kesilapan yang tidak disedari,
Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri,
Maaf zahir dan batin...
Mengenai Demam Denggi..
Oleh kerana sekarang ni musim demam denggi juga (selain penyakit chikugunya), ada baiknya kita lihat sedikit sebanyak ttg penyakit ni..untuk panduan bersama..maklumlah tak lama lagi musim perayaan..jgn pula beraya dalam tragedi..
Menurut statistik KKM, dari 1 januari sehingga 20 september tahun 2008, terdapat sebanyak 31,536 kes demam denggi dgn 72 kematian dicatatkan. (Dlm tempoh yg sama, 2230 kes chikugunya dicatatkan). (The Star 26/9/08)
Artikel ini akan lebih menumpukan aspek-aspek 'praktikal' tentang demam denggi. Untuk artikel yg lebih detail, boleh rujuk kat bawah tu..
Penyebab demam denggi
-Virus 'Dengue' yang terdiri dari 4 serotype (kumpulan) utama iaitu DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 dan DEN-4)
-Jika anda pernah kena DEN-1 pada masa lepas, anda akan hanya 'immune' pada DEN-1, tapi tidak pada serotype lain
-Denggi dibawa oleh nyamuk Aedes betina (yg jantan tak gigit manusia atau haiwan) yg suka menggigit pada awal pagi dan awal senja
-Period inkubasi denggi ialah 3-10 hari.(period inkubasi bermakna tempoh dari anda digigit nyamuk yg membawa virus dengue sehingga anda mendapat simptom pertama, cth demam)
Jenis-jenis demam denggi
-Demam denggi klasik
-Demam denggi berdarah
-Demam denggi dgn sindrom renjatan (shock)
Tanda-tanda (symptoms & signs) denggi
-demam berlarutan > 3 hari
-sakit kepala/belakang/bola mata
-sakit perut/muntah/cirit-birit
-ruam-ruam merah seluruh badan
-tanda-tanda pendarahan spt gusi berdarah
-bengkak hati (hepatomegaly)
-pengurangan bilangan platelet iaitu komponen pembekuan darah-jadi darah tidak boleh membeku, mengakibatkan pendarahan
-pengurangan sel darah putih
(Tips: demam yg tinggi, biasanya > 39 C TANPA punca jangkitan lain spt batuk/selsema)
Jika anda disyaki menghidap demam denggi, darah akan diambil untuk:-
1) Full blood count (FBC). ini adalah ujian darah yg sgt penting bagi doktor yang boleh memberi gambaran kasar samada anda menghidap denggi atau tidak. Jika denggi, bilangan platelet dan sel darah putih akan kurang dari normal.Paras hemoglobin juga penting dilihat (terutama jika anda ada tanda pendarahan-ini akan menurunkan hemoglobin).
Biasanya doktor akan masukkan anda ke wad jika bilangan platelet <50
2) Dengue rapid test
-sedikit darah akan diuji untuk mengesan antibodi virus denggi. ini boleh dilakukan di klinik-klinik swasta. keputusan almost serta merta dapat tahu.
(nota: antibodi virus denggi boleh dikesan sekurang-kurangnya 4-5 hari selepas demam.Jika anda baru demam 1-2 hari dan minta doktor lakukan ujian ni, ianya hanya membazir kerana pasti masih negatif! (walaupun anda kena denggi))
-Malangnya TIADA rawatan khusus utk demam denggi
-Rawatan adalah secara simptomatik (ubat demam, drip dsb) dan menggantikan komponen darah jika ianya kurang dari normal
-Jika anda dimasukkan ke wad, doktor akan membuat ujian darah secara berkala (darah mungkin diambil 3-4 x sehari, bergantung kpd tahap keseriusan)
-Kebiasaanya, anda akan ditansfuse platelet jika kurang dari 20 atau jika anda ada pendarahan
-Darah merah (packed cell volume) juga akan ditransfuse jika hemoglobin anda menurun
-Komponen pembekuan darah (FFP, cryoprecipitate) juga akan diberi jika anda ada tanda-tanda renjatan (shock)
Setakat ini tiada lagi vaksin untuk demam denggi.
Jika demam anda berpanjangan (> 3 hari) dan tiada tanda lain spt selsema/batuk dan ada jiran-jiran yg baru kena/disyaki denggi, segeralah jumpa doktor utk pemeriksaan lanjut. Jika ada tanda-tanda pendarahan, terus pergi ke unit kecemasan hospital berdekatan.
-Mencegah Lebih Baik Dari Mengubati-
Pembacaan lanjut:
How Do Rich People Think?
This is excerpted from the same book-'Secrets of The Millionaire Mind' by T. Harv Eker
1-Rich people believe "I create my life". Poor people believe "Life happens to me"
2-Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose
3-Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich
4-Rich people think big. Poor people think small
5-Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles
6-Rich people admire other rich and succesful people. poor people resent rich and successful people
7- Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccesful people
8-Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their values. poor people think negatively about selling and promotion
9- Rich people are bigger than their problems. poor people are smaller than their problems
10- Rich people are excellent receivers. poor people are poor receivers
11- Rich people choose to get paid based on results. poor people choose to get paid based on time
12- Rich people think "both". poor people think "either/or"
13- Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income
14- Rich people manage their money well. poor people mismanage their money well
15- Rich people have their money work hard for them. poor people work hard for their money
16- Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them
17- Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know
Secrets of The Millionaire Mind
I must say T Harv Eker's book-'Secrets of The Millionaire Mind' is one of the best book I've read on self development. Though his focus is more on wealth, I found that the ideas also could be applied if one looking to attain holistic health!
The Four Quadrants
One of the most important things you can ever understand is that we do not live on only one plane of existance. We live in at least four different realms at once.
These 4 quadrants are the physical world, the mental world, the emotional world and the spiritual world
What most people never realize is that the physical realm is merely the 'printout' of the other three
What we need to realize is that the physical world (the 'printout') cannot be changed. We can only change the 'program' ie the mental, emotional and spiritual worlds.
Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect!
Always remember that your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If things are'nt going well in your life, it's because things are'nt going well in your inner life.It's that simple.
If you want to get cured from your illness (such as terminal cancer), then merely treating your physical world ( with drugs, supplements, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy etc etc) would do not much changes. Instead, you should strenghten your mental, spiritual and emotional first, and along the course of the treatment..
Declarations: A Powerful Secret for Change
Declaration is "to state an official intention to undertake a particular course of action or adopt a particular status"
By making a declaration (aloud), we are sending an energy to the universe, at the same time, we send message to the subconcious mind. According to law of attraction, we'll get the more of the energy
An example of declaration
Place your hand on your heart and repeat the following:
'My inner world creates my outer world'
Now touch your head and say..
'I have a perfect health'
Do it everyday (preferably in front of mirror) and see how it can transform your life in 30 days. As a Muslim, this is also part of 'doa' to our Creator.You can combine with other 'mind therapy' such as affirmation, visualisation, meditation etc. I believe it will give tremendous positive effects.
Problems With Baby Formula Milk
Baby formula sold in country safe, says health minister
-The Star , 18/09/2008
KOTA BHARU: Baby formula milk sold in the country is safe, Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said.
"Parents need not be worried about milk powder contaminated with melamine as is the case in China because Malaysia does not import baby formula milk from China," he told reporters after meeting Kelantan MCA members here yesterday.
According to reports, three infants have died and more than six thousand have fallen sick after after consuming milk contaminated with melamine, an industrial chemical used to make plastic cups and saucers.
other links:
Dr H's comments:-
Our babies nowadays facing numerous health risks since day 1 of life with formula milk. Besides hazards from BPA as discussed in previous article, contamination with melamine add to the lists of the problems.
Other well known risks documented in the medical literature are as below:
- Formula feeding accounts for up to 26% of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in children.
- Otitis media (middle ear infection) is up to 3-4 times as prevalent in formula-fed infants.
- US Formula fed infants have a 10 fold risk of being hospitalized for any bacterial infection
- One sudden infant death for every 1000 live birth occurs as a result of failure to breastfeed in western industrialized nations.
- For every 1000 babies born in the U.Ss each year, four die because they are not breastfed.
- Scores on the Bayley Mental Development Index were lower in formula-fed children at 1-2 years of age. Scores were directly correlated with the duration of breastfeeding.
- Formula fed preterm infants had lower IQ scores (8 points) at age 7-8 years than breastfed premies, even after adjustment for mother's education and social class.
- Due to an excessive phosphate load in formula, formula fed infants face a 30 fold risk of neonatal hypocalcemic tetany (convulsions, seizures, twitching) during the first 10 days of life.
- Formula fed infants are at a high risk of exposure to life-threatening bacterial contamination. Enterobacter sakazakii is a frequent contaminant in powdered formula and can cause sepsis and meningitis in newborns
Reference: http://www.breastfeedingtaskforla.org/ABMRisks.htm
The lists keep accumulating from time to time. So why jeopardising your baby's future health with formula milk? Time to go back to nature..
Avoid Using Plastic Bottles-Containing Bisphenol A!
Bisphenol A (BPA) is used as an ingredient in polycarbonate plastic products, such as infant and water bottles, to make them hard and translucent. It is also used in the liners of food cans. Because BPA has been known to disrupt the hormonal system, leading to behavioral and developmental problems and cancer in animals, health advocates have raised concern over the possibility that the chemical could leak from cans or plastic containers into people's food and water. Heat in particular appears to increase the rate at which the chemical leaches out.
More than 90 percent of people over the age of six test positive for BPA in the body, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Numerous animal studies have linked BPA to behavioral changes such as ADHD or altered play, and to sex problems such as decreased sperm count, feminization of males, and prostate cancer.
Mel Suffet, a public health professor and environmental chemist from the University of California-Los Angeles, urged consumers to avoid products made with BPA.
"Why use something with a potential danger?" he said.
"It's kind of silly. Better safe than sorry."
"There are alternatives to everything made from BPA."
Parents and caregivers, can make the personal choice to reduce exposures of their infants and children to BPA:
- Don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers. Polycarbonate is strong and durable, but over time it may break down from over use at high temperatures.
- Polycarbonate containers that contain BPA usually have a #7 on the bottom(http://www.recyclenow.org/r_plastics.html)
- Reduce your use of canned foods.
- When possible, opt for glass, porcelain or stainless steel containers, particularly for hot food or liquids.
- Use baby bottles that are BPA free.
adapted from:-
related articles:-
Bisphenol A Plastics Chemical is Unsafe at Any Level, Says BPA Researcher
Heat Accelerates Release of Toxic Plastics Chemicals From Baby Bottles, Food Packaging
Research Links Plastics Containing Bisphenol A to Heart Disease and Diabetes
What Happens When You're Fasting..
After your cells use up the sugar that is in your bloodstream from your last meal or beverage, your body has to find another source of energy for your cells. And the first places that it turns to are your liver and your muscles. Both your liver and your muscles store sugar in the form of glycogen, and when needed, glycogen can be broken down to glucose, which all of your cells can use to produce energy for their ongoing activities.
Your glycogen stores are depleted within about 24 hours, give or take a few hours. After your glycogen stores are used up, most of your cells begin burning fatty acids for energy -- these fatty acids come from your fat reserves, including fatty tissue that surrounds your organs.
Two groups of cells -- your red blood cells and your brain cells -- cannot use fatty acids to fuel their energy needs. Your red blood cells and brain require glucose, and once glycogen/glucose from your muscles and liver are used up, your brain and your red blood cells get their glucose from two sources:
1. From glycerol, which is a component of your fat tissues.
2. From your muscles -- some of your muscle tissues get broken down, and the amino acids from your muscle tissues are used to produce glucose for your brain and red blood cells.
!Getting back to the big picture, it should be clear that from about the 2nd or 3rd day of a fast, your body meets it energy requirements by burning through your fat reserves.
!Since the bulk of the toxins in your body are stored in your fat reserves, the longer you fast, the more fat you'll burn and the more toxins you'll eliminate from your system.
!Your body begins to eliminate large quantities of toxins only after it begins to burn your fat reserves at a rapid rate. And this doesn't happen until you've used up the glycogen stores in your liver and muscles.
-adapted from http://www.naturalnews.com/024185.html
Pinhole Glasses-A Revolution in Eye Care!
(Keywords-pinhole glasses, pinhole eyeglasses, glasses)
Are you sufferring from these problems?
-myopia (near-sightedness)(malay-'rabun jauh')
-hyperopia (long-sightedness) (malay-'rabun dekat)
-computer vision syndrome
Are you sick of using prescription glasses? (keep changing, eyesight getting weaker etc)
Then pinhole glasses may be the answer!
How Pinhole Glasses work
First let us understand how our eyes work
Light enters our eyes through the curve shaped outer surface called Cornea. This shape allows light rays from different angles to converge and enter the pupil inside the eye as a single beam.
Our eyes adjust the pupil, next, to control the amount of light that goes through. This is helpful in a low light environment when the pupil enlarges to take in as much light as possible.
The regulated beam of light exits the pupil, goes through the lens and falls on the retina, which is where the images that we see are formed.
But before they pass through the lens, the ciliary muscles attached to the lens contract or relax and so, adapt the shape of the lens. This is critical in producing the right image on the retina. To view nearby objects, the muscles contract and change the shape of the lens. When viewing far-off images, the muscles relax and allow the lens to take its natural shape.
The image so produced falls on the retina, the actual light sensitive part of your eyes. Optic nerves attached behind the retina transmits information about the image to our brain. The brain analyses the image and we “see”.
How do eye problems occur and how pinhole glasses help
All parts of our eyes have to work perfectly for us to see. Sometimes, the ciliary muscles become too weak. They are not able to adapt the shape of the lens as much as required. At other times, either the cornea or the eyeball may be deformed. These eye problems prevent the light rays passing through the lens from forming an image on the retina. The image is formed either in front or behind it.
In such a case, angled light rays cause an unfocused image to form on the retina. These images distort the clear image being formed by direct rays entering your eyes.
Pinhole Glasses work by feeding the pupil with direct rays as far as possible. Light rays coming at extreme angles require a large amount of refraction by your lens to form the correct image. Wearing pinhole glasses prevent these rays from entering your eyes. This checks them from distorting the image and consequently you see a better image. This image is of better definition, clarity and brightness.
Pinhole Glasses are special tools
In Pinhole glasses, holes of 1-1.5mm are spaced regularly using laser technology. They may not be suitable for use in some instances.
Wearing pinholes affect your peripheral vision. They should not be used when you are driving or while moving about. It reduces the amount of light entering your eyes. Therefore, it cannot be used in environments having dim light. Wearing pinhole glasses does not prevent harmful UV rays from entering the eyes. So, do not use them to view the sun. It is also not useful for people measured as requiring lens of more than 6 diopters. Other eye problems like diffraction will prevent them from experiencing any significant benefits upon wearing pinholes.
It is always advisable for young people to avoid using any visual aid. Working on their eye muscles can improve their vision considerably.
for further info/ordering, visit-
Creative Visualisation
That day, I was discussing with Miss A, who's sister is sufferring from uterine cancer. what I suggest to Miss A was..her sister should practice meditation with visualisation and everyday
This will activate her subconcious mind to find ways to get cured from the disease!
enjoy this video about meditation and visualisation!
This will activate her subconcious mind to find ways to get cured from the disease!
enjoy this video about meditation and visualisation!
Menakjubkan! Kubah Masjid Terbang!
Mulanya saya terima email dari satu yahoo groups tentang fenomena ni yang berlaku di Indonesia. Terpulanglah korang nak percaya atau tidak-tepuk dada tanya iman. :)
Tapi apa yang saya ingin ketengahkan ialah mengenai kuasa minda iaitu 'telekinesis' yang boleh menggerakkan objek dengan hanya imaginasi dan fokus. Tentu sekali ianya memerlukan keyakinan dan tawakkal yang tinggi terhadap yang Maha Kuasa Allah S.W.T
Ceritanya begini..
Kisah ini berlaku awal tahunini di Pulau Malibu , Indonesia. Sebuah masjid baru telah dibina di sebuah kampung di Pulau Malibu . Namun mereka tiada kren untuk pindahkan kubah dari masjid lama ke masjid yang baru. Maka seramai lebih kurang 3000 orang kiyai telah berkumpul di masjid tersebut untuk berzikir. Dengan Rahmat dan kebesaran Allah kubah dari masjid lama 'diangkat dan dipindahkan' ke atas menara masjid yang baru hanya dengan zikrullah. Dikatakan ramai yang pengsan dan histeria melihatkan kejadian ini.
Islamic Views on Contraception
Q: Could you please share your opinion regarding contraception in Islam?
A: (Got this from a recent internet article on the matter):
Islamic medicine has known about birth control for centuries - for example the Muslim writers Avicenna (980-1037) and Al-Razi (d 923 or 924) refer to different methods of contraception.
Islam is strongly pro-family and regards children as a gift from God.
Islam is strongly pro-family and regards children as a gift from God.
Muslim sexual ethics forbid sex outside marriage, so its teachings about birth control should be understood within the context of husband and wife.
There is no single attitude to contraception within Islam; however eight of the nine classic schools of Islamic law permit it.
But more conservative Islamic leaders have openly campaigned against the use of condoms or other birth control methods, thus making population planning in many countries ineffective.
This resistance to birth control was reflected in 2005 when a conference involving 40 Islamic scholars from 21 countries urged fresh efforts to push population planning and better reproductive health services.
But although all the participants were in favour of promoting the use of contraceptives for married couples, they were reluctant to make it part of their joint declaration for fear of reprisals from the more conservative Islamic scholars in their respective countries.
The Qur'an
The Qur'an does not refer to contraception explicitly, but Muslims opposed to birth control often quote the Qur'an as saying "You should not kill your children for fear of want" (17:31, 6:151) and interpret this as including a ban on contraception as well as infanticide. Supporters of birth control argue that this interpretation is wrong.
In practice most Muslim authorities permit contraception to preserve the health of the mother or the well-being of the family.
There are a number of hadith which indicate that the Prophet knew of birth control and approved of it in appropriate circumstances.
Hadith are said to describe and approve of the withdrawal method ('azl).
Scholars point out that this method may deprive the woman of both sexual fulfilment and of having children, and so should not be used without the woman's agreement.
Egyptian scholars have argued that any method that has the same purpose as 'azl - i.e. preventing conception - is acceptable, so long as it does not have a permanent effect.
Contraceptive methods that do not prevent conception but cause a very early abortion are not accepted.
Contraception with the aim of having a permanently child-free marriage is not accepted. So sterilisation is wrong - partly because it prevents children permanently and partly because of a text forbidding men to castrate themselves.
Scholars point out that this method may deprive the woman of both sexual fulfilment and of having children, and so should not be used without the woman's agreement.
Egyptian scholars have argued that any method that has the same purpose as 'azl - i.e. preventing conception - is acceptable, so long as it does not have a permanent effect.
Contraceptive methods that do not prevent conception but cause a very early abortion are not accepted.
Contraception with the aim of having a permanently child-free marriage is not accepted. So sterilisation is wrong - partly because it prevents children permanently and partly because of a text forbidding men to castrate themselves.
Ramadhan adalah bulan di mana penyakit hati (kerohanian) dapat dipulihkan.juga penting diketahui, penyakit-penyakit kerohanian saling berkait rapat dengan penyakit jasad seperti diabetes, darah tinggi, penyakit jantung dan sebagainya. jadi penyembuhan dari penyakit hati juga adalah salah satu pendekatan holistik yang mesti dilakukan jika kita benar-benar ingin mencapai kesihatan sejati (minda-roh-jasad).
Rasulullah bersabda, " sesungguhnya di dalam diri manusia ada sebuah jasad. jika ia baik, akan baik seluruh amal manusia. jika ia rosak, akan rosak seluruh amalnya. ketahuilah, ia adalah hati (hadis riwayat Ahmad)
Hati manusia adalah tempat yang paling terdedah terhadap jangkitan pelbagai penyakit rohani yang amat membahayakan. dan kerana kepentingan itu, agama Islam sangat menekankan akan cara-cara dan tindakan yang harus dilakukan utk menjaga kesucian dan kemuliaan hati.
7 penyakit hati:
1. membanggakan diri (al-'ujb)
2. terpedaya oleh perasaan sendiri (al-ghurur)
3. sombong atau bongkak (al-takabbur)
4. suka menunjuk-nunjuk (al-riya')
5. buruk sangka (su' al-zhann)
6. bakhil (al-syuhh)
7. dendam (al-hiqd)
semoga Ramadhan kali ini membawa keberkatan dan kebersihan jiwa kita dari penyakit-penyakit hati kronik spt di atas.
utk bacaan lanjut dan cara merawatnya, sila baca buku kat atas tu..
Medicinal Benefits of Dates ('Kurma')
Allah The Almighty said to Maryam (Peace be upon her):
"And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree:It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee".
(Surah Maryam : 25)
Many Hadiths told about the favours and benefits of dates.
The prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) used to break his fast with some fresh dates before praying, and here appears the prophetic guidance: When fasting, a person relies on the sugar stocked in his body and especially that is stocked in the liver. The sugar obtained from the food taken just before starting the fast ('sahur') lasts for six hours and then the body uses the sugar kept in the liver. When a person breaks his fast with dates, rich in monosaccharides, those arrive quickly to the liver and then to the blood which carries the nutrients to the other organs, whereas the person who fills up his stomach with food and drinks needs 2 to 3 hours for his intestines to absorb the sugar.
Dates and milk are a complemented complete food and numerous Bedouins live on dried dates and goats’ milk but are fit, healthy and less susceptible to chronic and malign illnesses
Dates also strengthen and increase the contraction rate of the uterus during the delivery and this is why Allah said to the pure lady Maryam: (And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee.)
It was reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Feed your women with dates as those who are fed with dates will have forbearing children”
Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: the prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed in dates- there is a cure”. Reported by Muslim (14/3) and Ahmad (6/152)
It is a sunnah to break the fast with dates. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “ Whoever finds dates should break his fast with them and the one who does not should break his fast with water because it is pure”
Science has proved the benefits of dates, some of which are:
The active contents:
1) Dates contain a high percentage of carbohydrates which are the main source of energy, as well as glucose and fructose
2) High content of vitamins that protect from Pellagra
3) Contain calcium, which is essential in bones formation.
4) High content of iron and phosphorus.
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