"And He feeds me and quenches my thirst and when I fall sick then He (Allah) cures me" [Soorah Shu'araa: 80]


In my previous posts, I have touched upon what is meant by 'law of attraction'. (old posts here )But now probably it's more appropriate to elaborate it in more detailed, since I found it very closely related to Holistic Medicine or health or someone seeking for better health.

These are some of the 'creams' in the book.

What is law of attraction?.

May be defined as "I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether postive or negative"

You see actually, using quantum physics theory, when we're thinking or focusing on something,we're actually sending an energy or vibration

The law of attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending by giving you more of it, whether it's positive or negative. it simply responds to your vibration


So beware of what you're thinking for you will get the same thing or more!


For example someone diagnosed with terminal cancer thought (unfortunately after being told by his doctor!) that he will never get cured from it-sending a negative energy (without he aware, off course). so the law of attraction responds with more of it-negative energy ie no cure!

He should, actually in every seconds or minutes of his life-thinking about the positive one! ie I'm in the process of getting cured from this disease.! notice that I use words 'in the process'. I'll tell you why is that so later.

Can you see the difference? actually it can create much changes if we apply it properly in our life.remember-it is a law and a law is something that is applicable to everyone at everytime and every situation.

Acoording to Losier, there are 3 steps for us to apply law of attraction-deliberately!

Step 1-Identify your desire

-be clear of what you want!

-eliminate 'contrast' ie anything that you don't like, doesnt feel good or causes you to be in negative moods

there are lengthy explantion on how to go about.readers are advised to read the whole book. (my fingers getting fatigue to type it. :))

Step 2- Give Your desire attention

-carefully choose your words in affirmation

-an affirmation is a statement spoken in the present tense to declare a desire. saying " I have a happy, slender body" is an example of a positive affirmation

-law of attraction responds to the vibrations you send out based on how you feel, not based on specific words you use

-if for example you tell yourself that you have a happy, slender body when you do not, you'll create negative vibrations

-therefore you'll send out a vibration of doubt (a negative vibration) which the law of attraction will respond to by giving you more of the same!

-change your affirmation to .."I'm in the process of getting happy, slender body". so this affirmation becomes true and it feels good which is a positive vibration

Step 3-Allow it

-this is the most important step

-by allowing means that you eliminate doubt ie a negative vibration

-Eg: I'd like to have a more slender body (desire) but I can't because all my family members are big (doubt)

-how to eliminate doubt in above case?

You ask Q yourself.

"is there anyone on the planet who has different body size than other members of their family?"

Answer: yes

Q again: If so how many people have this today? yesterday? last week? last month? last year?

Allowing statement: thousands of people on the planet have a more slender body than their father or mother.

so by answering with this allowing statement- you'll feel relief and this will lessen or eliminate doubts. when desire > doubts, this will create a positive vibration!

OK I think I'll stop here. you can visit http://www.lawofattractionbook.com/,

buy the book from any bookstore or from Amazon.com here

How To Lose Weight (5)

Acupressure Tips

Press these points in a pumping (press-release-press-release) manner with your tip of finger for about a minute, 1-3 times a day

Point # 35-location: at the crossing of wrist-crease and a vertical line drawn from the skin between ring and little finger

Point # 51-location: just below the lateral maleolus (bukulali luar)

Point # 56- at the centre of the forearm, 2 thumb-widths above the wrist-crease

Point # 74-lies on top of the head, at the centre of a vertical line joining the lobes of the two ears


How To Lose Weight (4)

Health-concern people should know something about glycaemic index of carbohydrate-more so if you're overweight or diabetic.

What is the Glycemic Index?

Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. put it simpler, it describe how fast the glucose from the carbo is absorbed to our body. high GI carbo causes the glucose to rise very quickly .this also causing rapid rise of insulin and later on can lead to insulin resistance syndrome--obesity, diabetes

High GI carbo - > 70

Medium GI carbo -> 56-69

Low GI- <55

What are the Benefits of the Glycemic Index?

-Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
-Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
-Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
-Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
-Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels

so choose lowest possible GI food in your everyday's diet.


How to Switch to a Low GI Diet

The basic technique for eating the low GI way is simply a "this for that" approach - ie, swapping high GI carbs for low GI carbs. You don't need to count numbers or do any sort of mental arithmetic to make sure you are eating a healthy, low GI diet.

-Use breakfast cereals based on oats, barley and bran
-Use breads with wholegrains, stone-ground flour, sour dough
-Reduce the amount of potatoes you eat
-Enjoy all other types of fruit and vegetables
-Use Basmati or Doongara rice
-Enjoy pasta, noodles, quinoa
-Eat plenty of salad vegetables with a vinaigrette dressing

As a simple rule of thumb, anything in white (rice, bread etc) has higher GI than the brown (rice, bread etc)

Some of the GI values are shown below:-

Instant rice-91
Baked potato-85
Corn Flakes ® -84
Pretzels -83
Doughnut -76
French fries -75
Popcorn -72
Watermelon -72
Carrot -71
Green peas -48
Apple -36
Milk -27
Cashew nuts, salted -22
Peanuts -14


How To Lose Weight (3)

Overweight people need to consider taking these nutrients/herbs in order to assist them achieve weight reduction:-
  • Chromium-required for normal carbohydrate metabolism and increase insulin sensitivity

  • Magnesium-also important for carbohydrate and glucose metabolism

  • Green tea-studies has shown it able to reduce weight by fat-burning effect

  • Guarana-enhance metabolism and increase fat burning

  • Fish oil-Essential fatty acids (omega-3) found in fish oils promote thermogenesis, the process by which foods are converted to heat. Because of this, the body burns calories instead of converting them into fat for storage

  • DHEA-Low levels of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), a steroid hormone, have been linked to increased weight gain.Studies suggest that supplementing with DHEA produces beneficial body composition changes.

  • 7-keto DHEA. A metabolite of DHEA called 7-keto DHEA has also attracted considerable attention for its value as a fat-loss supplement

  • Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is found in ruminant meats such as beef and lamb and in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Many studies support the anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, and antiatherogenic properties of CLA
Recommended dose:

  • Take 200–600 mcg of Chromium daily.

  • Take 160–320 mg of Magnesium citrate daily before bedtime.

  • Take 3000–4000 mg of CLA (with or without 1000 mg guarana) daily

  • Take 2400 mg of Omega 3 daily.

  • Take 200 mg of 7-keto DHEA daily in the morning.

  • Take 725–1450 mg of Green Tea extract daily.

Diet tips:

  1. Minimize consumption of foods cooked at high temperatures.

  2. Consume most calories early in the day (avoid late-night snacking).

  3. Reduce intake of high glycemic foods (breads, pasta, potatoes, fruit juices, sugary snacks).

  4. Reduce intake of saturated fats such as those found in beef and butter, and increase consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fats, such as fish.

  5. Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Reference :here

EMFs Poses Threat To Your Health!

Basically every electrical apparatus emit electromagnetic field (EMF).Electricity certainly makes our lives easier in many ways. Is it possible that electricity is also making our lives shorter?

Most experts agree that some limited exposure to EMFs is not a threat.The problem comes when we are chronically exposed to large doses of EMFs.

EMF is measured in Gauss unit.Many experts recommend avoiding levels of 2.0 milligauss or higher

Negative effects of EMF exposure

Dr. David Carpenter, Dean of the School of Public Health, SUNY, has reported that up to 30 percent of all childhood cancers may be due to exposure to residential power lines.

Epidemiological studies in Sweden by Maria Feychting showed that persons exposed to high magnetic fields at home and at work had 3.7 times the risk of developing leukemia compared to those not exposed.

Two research reports have identified elevated risks of breast cancer among women working jobs with presumed higher than average exposure to EMFs.

Power lines, substations and transformers

Power generating stations produce enormous amounts of electricity and send it through high voltage wires. All power lines radiate electromagnetic fields, with the exact amount depending on its particular configuration

Electric clocks

Electric clocks emit a magnetic field as much as 5 to 10mG up to three feet away. If you have a bedside clock, you may be exposing yourself to the EMF equivalent of an electric power line. Since studies have linked high rates of brain tumors with chronic exposure to magnetic fields, it may be wise to place all clocks and other electrical devices such as phones at least 6 feet from where you sleep

Electric Razors and Hair Dryers

Electric razors and hair dryers may emit EMFs as high as 200 to 400 mG. This may seem like a really large amount, but your exposure to these devices is probably not continuous for long periods of time. Some experts recommend that hair dryers not be used on children as the high field would be held close to the rapidly developing brain and nervous system of the child.

Fluorescent lights

Fluorescent lights produce a higher level of EMFs than incandescent bulbs. A typical fluorescent tube may have a reading of 160 to 200 mG at 1 inch away.


The handset of a telephone may emit a surprisingly high amount of EMFs. Since you hold the phone next to your head, you will probably want to get the phone with the lowest EMF reading

If you want to follow the Environmental Protection Agency’s advice to prudently avoid EMFs, you may want to invest in a Gauss meter to measure your home, work or school environments, both inside and outside.

The Gauss meter is a tool for measuring Gauss values. Inside a Gauss meter is a coil of thin wire. As a magnetic field radiates through the coil, it induces a current, which is amplified by the circuitry inside the Gauss meter.


Breaking News: Handphones more dangerous than smoking

The Star Online, May 28, 2008

GEORGE TOWN: Handphones can be more damaging to health than smoking, the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) said.

CAP president SM Mohamed Idris said research by award-winning neurosurgeon Professor Dr Vini Gautam Khurana from the United States had indicated that using mobile phones for more than 10 years could double the risk of brain cancer.

Prof Khurana, who has received 14 awards over the past 16 years and has published more than three dozen scientific papers, had conducted a 15-month "critical review" of the link between mobile phones and malignant brain tumours.

The subject in the study were heavy mobile phone users who had relied on handphones for at least 10 years. "Previous studies which found no evidence of a link between mobile use and an increased risk of cancer often did not include enough long-term mobile phone users in their study samples," Mohamed Idris said.

Prof Khurana found that cancer takes at least a decade to develop.

"The incidence of malignant brain tumours and associated death rate will be observed to rise globally within a decade from now, by which time it may be far too late to intervene medically," Prof Khurana said in his report.

Prof Khurana said smoking kills some five million people worldwide each year, but three billion people now use mobile phones worldwide and the number is growing daily.
Mohamed Idris said children who used mobile phones were at greater risk because they were more susceptible to the radiation than adults.
"Parents should not allow their children to use mobile phones and consumers should use the speakerphone function, so that the phone is held more than 20cm away from the head. Use landlines whenever possible," he said.

CAP also urged the Government to take appropriate measures to address the fact that mobile phones could represent a public health time bomb.

"Government should use the mass media and run campaigns to educate and warn the public of the dangers of radiation exposure from mobile phones," Mohamed Idris said.

Prof Khurana has posted the results of his findings on http://www.brain-surgery.us/ and his research paper is currently being peer-reviewed for publication in a scientific journal.

Read article by Dr Khurana- http://www.brain-surgery.us/mobph.pdf

How To Lose Weight (2)

The Insulin Trap

Recent advances in dietary science have highlighted the crucial role of insulin in weight gain. Produced in the pancreas, insulin is a critical hormone for the control of blood sugar (glucose). Its job is to transport glucose into cells, where the glucose is burned as fuel. While this process is necessary for life, abnormalities in the insulin-glucose system caused by aging, lack of exercise and poor diet can cause major health problems. In aging, cells become more resistant to the effects of insulin. As cells become increasingly insulin resistant, the body compensates by increasing the number of insulin receptors on cells and secreting more insulin in an attempt to drive more blood sugar into muscle and liver cells (Fulop 2003).

Insulin resistance is a dangerous condition. Research suggests that adipose tissue (fat) is a source of pro-inflammatory chemicals that have a role in the development of insulin resistance (Sharma AM et al 2005). Insulin resistance is associated with obesity (in particular, abdominal obesity) (Greenfield JR et al. 2004). It is also associated with aging muscle (Nair KS 2005), physical inactivity, and genetics.

This increase in insulin (called hyperinsulinemia) and decreased insulin sensitivity have a number of harmful effects, including contributing to diseases associated with being overweight (Zeman et al 2005; Garveyet al 1998)

Over time, high insulin and insulin resistance may lead to type 2 diabetes in susceptible individuals, a major risk factor for heart disease. A study sponsored by the NIH showed that over a 10-year period, hyperinsulinemia was associated with increased all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, independent of other risk factors (NIH 1985).

Controlling insulin levels as we age is essential for overall health, longevity, and weight management. An increasing number of physicians recognize the role of insulin resistance in the current obesity epidemic. The good news is that nonprescription drugs and low-cost dietary supplements that have demonstrated beneficial effects upon insulin action are already available.

Fiber Reduces Insulin Spike

When it comes to weight loss, fiber has not received the attention it deserves. The recent focus on carbohydrates has led some people to reduce their intake of whole fruits and some vegetables because these foods contain carbohydrates. By doing this, those dieters deprive themselves of the many benefits of a naturally fiber-rich food source

According to the American Heart Association (AHA) , we should consume about 30 g or more of fiber every day.The actual average consumption, however, is between 12 and 17 g (AHA 2005; NCI 2005).

Consumed before a meal, soluble fiber has multiple benefits. First, it is filling and causes people to eat less because they are satiated sooner

Equally important, consuming fiber before meals can reduce the rapid absorption of simple carbohydrates (such as refined sugar) and modulate blood sugar levels (Anderson et al 1993). A review of clinical studies of fiber shows that it has numerous weight-loss benefits.

Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, vegetables, fruits, and other foods. However, for weight-management purposes, it is important to have soluble fiber before every meal. Therefore, soluble fiber supplements (such as powders or capsules) should be kept where meals are consumed, such as the kitchen or the office.

Some people shy away from fiber because they experience lower bowel disturbances if too much fiber is consumed at first. This can be avoided by beginning with a low dose of fiber before each meal and gradually increasing doses over a two- to three-week period. Once the body adjusts to increased fiber intake, gastrointestinal side effects usually disappear.

How to Use Fiber Supplements

The type of dietary fiber to use is an important consideration. To help induce weight loss, purified soluble dietary fibers, such as pectin, guar, psyllium, glucomannan, alginate, and beta-glucan, help normalize blood glucose and have an antidiabetic effect (Trepel 2004).

The typical dose for soluble fiber drink mix is 8 to12 g taken before meals. Begin with only 4 g before each meal for the first week or two to allow your digestive system to adjust to higher fiber intake

further reading here


How to lose weight (1)

I'm sure many, out there, looking for a simple and practical way of how to LOSE WEIGHT. But whatever the method you choose-remember: NO SHORT CUT please!

I will outline to you- the holistic way of how to do it-basically without need for any drugs. just get the mind tuned, eat right and exercise well-that's all!

this is the first lesson..


LIFE is BeAuTiFuL..

His Life, his calling


The Star, Sunday 25,2008

Dr Bernard Jensen taught us so many things – which is why he is one of the most remembered and loved natural health teachers of all time.
THIS year, natural and holistic health practitioners commemorate the centennial of the birth of one of the most influential champions of holistic health, Dr Bernard Jensen.
He was a chiropractic doctor who believed in the natural healing power of foods, and the healing power of natural remedies and therapies.

He was responsible for introducing and popularising various natural healing methods to the English-speaking world. He personally treated over 350,000 patients with his natural lifestyle and nutritional prescriptions.
He also taught and trained thousands of medical doctors and complementary health practitioners from all over the world, either at his beautiful Hidden Valley Health Ranch in California, or during his extensive travels across the globe.

Dr Bernard Jensen’s research and advancement on the subject of iridology were possibly his greatest contributions to the science.
He studied, improved and promoted natural methods such as nutritional therapy, iridology, colon hydrotherapy, fasting, reflexology, herbology, homeopathy, craniopathy and many more. He authored more than 50 books and booklets and conducted thousands of classes and seminars right until his death.

Although he did not discover iridology, his research and advancement on the subject were possibly the greatest contributions to the science. Because of him, many thousands learned and took up the practice.

He introduced us to the people of the Hunza Valley and other remote communities famous for their longevity.
-read the story of Hunza Valley here

He taught us the goodness of raw organic foods, juicing and detoxification. He educated us on the detox and healing powers of chlorella.

He taught us so many things – which is why he is one of the most remembered and loved natural health teachers of all time.

His teachings have been continued by his many students in their own countries. Thus his legacy lives on and his teachings have benefited millions of people on the planet.
Some say that he was also among the most influential persons in encouraging organic farming and organic living throughout the world.
Applying his own teachings, he lived to a ripe age of 93 (he died on February 22, 2001), but not without battles with the scourges of cancer and ageing.
He cured himself of cancer at the age of 89, and at 92, again stunned medical doctors by recovering from injuries sustained in a car accident. Compounded by the effects of ageing, he was wheelchair bound and incontinent. Yet he managed to recover using natural foods as medicine.

Till the end, he proved that foods and natural remedies could cure illnesses. He attributed his cancer to stress from the hectic schedule that included too much travel (which also meant improper diet), too many lectures, and attending to too many patients.

The secrets of the drugs industry

Why do 113,000 people die in America from a prescription drug every year?

Every year around 13,000 Americans are murdered, a similar number dies from AIDS – and more than 113,000 die as a direct result of a pharmaceutical drug. It’s often been likened to a jumbo jet crashing every day of the year.

But why does this happen, year after year, when there are supposed to be rigorous safety tests in place? And how is it that the drugs industry gets away with it – and, worse, continues to be one of the most successful, and fastest-growing, industry groups around?

The answers can be found in WDDTY’s ground-breaking report, ‘Secrets of the Drugs Industry’ – and they are answers that will surprise, perhaps even appal, you. To have your own download copy of this must-read report, please click here.

Tragically, the true dangers of pharmaceutical drugs are far worse than even the horrifying official figures suggest. Many deaths that are caused by drugs go unreported – either because the doctor never suspected that the drug was to blame, or because doctors and hospitals fear litigation from the deceased’s relatives, or because drugs often have a ‘paradoxical’ effect. This means they create the very symptoms they are supposed to treat, and so often a disease is blamed as the cause, rather than the drug.

In fact, the Institute of Medicine thinks that a truer figure of deaths caused by drugs is closer to 225,000 each year.

To find out how this outrageous situation has been tolerated for so long, read WDDTY’s ‘Secrets of the Drugs Industry’. To order your download copy, please click here.

The drug companies know more than they’re letting on, of course. They will hide data – in fact, they are under no legal obligation to print research findings – they hire ‘experts’ to give a report greater authority, even though the expert has never read the study, and they will pay to have researchers change the findings that appear in the summary area, the only one people bother reading.

‘Secrets of the Drugs Industry’ includes an important checklist that you can use whenever you are prescribed a drug to ensure you don’t become yet another victim.

It also outlines the dangers and side effects of some of the more popular drugs – and suggests the ones you really should avoid.

In short, ‘Secrets of the Drugs Industry’ is a must-have report that every home should have, and every thinking person should read. It’s one of those essential reads that helkp guide you safely through our modern world. And it’s available in moments by clicking here.


Did Statin Drugs Cause Senator Ted Kennedy's Brain Tumour?

His stories appear almost everyday in Yahoo News. Initially I also wonder who's this man who receives very wide media coverage..until I found out this article in Natural News (http://www.naturalnews.com/023289.html)

Who is Senator Ted Kennedy?

Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (born February 22, 1932) is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. In office since November 1962, Kennedy is the second most senior member of the Senate.The most prominent living member of the Kennedy family, he is the youngest brother of the late President John F. Kennedy.

On May 20, 2008, it was announced that Kennedy has a malignant brain tumour, diagnosed after he experienced a seizure

Ted Kennedy, among others, suffering from chronic hypertension and high cholesterol. He's taking a 'statin' drug to lower the cholesterol.

Unfortunately, it was thought that-'statin'-among the drugs he has so adamantly promoted was the culprit---leading to his brain tumour

Statins and Cancer

Statins interfere with normal immune function in multiple ways. They are so effective at suppressing your immune system that they have been researched as immune-suppressing options for organ transplant patients. That is not good news for anyone having to fight the flu or combat cancer

Statins interfere with core survival systems that are "branches" in the normal production of LDL cholesterol. Such interference in health is a major side effect of statins – and widely ignored by prescribing physicians. For example, selenium-containing genes are reduced/blocked by statins, including the production of cellular glutathione – your cell's most important antioxidant that protects against cell mutations that can lead to cancer

Important anti-cancer nutrients such as vitamin D and coenzyme Q10 are also reduced by statins. And a primary anti-cancer cell-modulating substance known as isoprenoids are reduced by statins. Isoprenoids in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the reason eating these foods is associated with less cancer. Blocking your body's natural production of them with statin drugs is not a good idea.

Brain cells are weakened by statins, as every brain cell has a naturally higher level of cholesterol in its cell membrane so it can live longer (brain cells do not split and divide like other cells).

Thus, super high levels of statins are immune toxic, cripple your body's natural cancer defense system, and weaken nerves. The longer a person stays on these high doses the worse the problems become – as damage is cumulative and insidiously progressive over time. When combined with blood pressure medication this creates an environment within the nervous system ripe for cancer growth, a fact that simply cannot be denied based on the timing of Kennedy's problems.


Real Case-intracerebral hemorrhage


Pagi ni baru balik melawat seorang pesakit di hospital. Makcik Siti , 63 yang juga merupakan ibu mertua Pn Ira (pengantin baru), my ex-staff.

Makcik Siti who has no known medical illnes, suddenly turned into loss of conciousness with bouts of vomiting yesterday. An urgent CT scan of brain revealed massive intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding into the brain) on the left side. She is now in Glascow Coma Scale 9. Latest news I heard, she will be electively ventilated while waiting for decision by the neurosurgical team whether they want to proceed with operation or not..

Just a few points to ponder here. Pn Ira, semalam dgn nada teresak2 beritahu saya, doktor (most likely junior doctor) yang buat ward round semalam bagitau begini-"mak awak ni dah takde harapan.pendarahan dalam kepala nampak teruk. kita dah tak boleh buat apa-apa.awak boleh bawa dia balik untuk cuba rawatan lain."

Hmmm..cuba bayangkan perasaan relative bila seorang doktor cakap begitu. kalau cakap pasal penyakit yang tak boleh sembuh is quite OK, but to encourage "at- own -risk" (AOR) discharge to the relatives, is to me, very unethical. morever, doktor tu sebenarnya takde authority untuk cakap begitu sebab dia dari medical team, bukan neurosurgical...

So..they're waiting for neurosurgical team to decide whether to go in or not..sementara tu, kawan-kawan saya di luar sana yang mempunyai kebolehan 'distant healing' or Reiki, plz help Makcik Siti by sending your 'energy'.others can sama-sama berdoa ke hadrat Allah swt, semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan..ameen.

A few words on intracerebral hemorrhage.

Intracerebral Hemorrhage

What is it? Intracerebral hemorrhage occurs when a diseased blood vessel within the brain bursts, allowing blood to leak inside the brain. (The name means within the cerebrum, or brain). The sudden increase in pressure within the brainpear can cause damage to the brain cells surrounding the blood. If the amount of blood increases rapidly, the sudden buildup in pressure can lead to unconsciousness or death.

What causes it? The most common cause of intracerebral hemorrhage is high blood pressure (hypertension). Since high blood pressure by itself often causes no symptoms, many people with intracranial hemorrhage are not aware that they have high blood pressure, or that it needs to be treated. Less common causes of intracerebral hemorrhage include trauma, infections, tumors, blood clotting deficiencies, and abnormalities in blood vessels (such as arteriovenous malformations).

CT scan appearance:


Treatment depends on the location, cause, and extent of the hemorrhage.
Surgery may be needed, especially if there is bleeding in the cerebellum.


Check Your Symptoms!

Too shy or got no time to ask about your symptoms to your doc?

Not to worry so much.thanks to the latest development in IT. your 'cyber' doc will answer it for you..check it out this excellent site..

Know your enemy: 10 facts about fat

Here are 10 facts that will help you understand fat better.

1- Some cells are designated "fat cells."

If you overeat consistently, fat cells expand. When they reach a certain point, they recruit other cells that aren't designed to hold fat. Thus, fat spills over into parts of the body such as the heart, liver and pancreas. That's when disease occurs.

2- We need some dietary fat. It helps satisfy us when we eat and is important for basic body metabolism and disease prevention

3- Fat-free or reduced-fat may not be best. Take peanut butter, for instance. It's an excellent source of healthy fat. When you buy reduced-fat peanut butter, fat often is replaced with sugar or other unhealthy fillers.

4- The good news: 10 percent of our fat cells die every year.

And the bad? They're replaced by new fat cells. The cycle of dying and regenerating is based on fat cells we have accumulated through puberty. After that, the number remains the same. That makes it especially important to keep our children's diets healthy; what they eat affects their predisposition to disease later in life

5-Our bodies need 20 percent to 30 percent of daily calories to come from fat. The key is what kind of fat?.

Unsaturated fats -healthier option: Olive and canola oils; olives, nuts, avocados, salmon, tuna, sardines, some shellfish.

A caveat: "Healthy fats are great to choose,"but you need to do so in moderation. Many people think because they're healthy, they can have unlimited amounts." Big N-O.

Saturated fats -limit: Tropical oils such as coconut and palm oil; high-fat dairy products; fatty meats. Keep these to less than 20 grams per day

Trans fats- avoid: Man-made hydrogenated oils. Many restaurants no longer use them. But that's not permission to order extra french fries!

6-Paying attention to labels can help make you healthy.

--When label-reading, keep saturated fat at 2 grams or less per serving.

--Avoid trans-fats.

7-Cardio + resistance training fat taming

"When you start doing cardio, your body releases hormones and enzymes to send fat to the bloodstream to be used as energy,"

"People who come in and do 5 or 10 minutes of cardio aren't burning fat; they're burning simple sugars. Your body may not get into the fat-burning system for 25 minutes."

Additionally, studies show that the more toned your muscles, the better you can control your weight. That's because the more muscle weight you have, the more calories you burn.

8- Liposuction is not a cure for obesity. "It's a cosmetic thing"

9- Fat doesn't make us fat. "The bottom line is, when we take in too many calories, whether they're fat or carbohydrates or protein, we will gain weight,"

10-Belly fat: Not pretty, not good for you, not easy to lose.

Belly fat, especially in women, isn't just uncomfortable and unsightly, it's also unhealthy. It has been linked to higher risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Its secretions narrow blood vessels and promote inflammation, according to the journal Neurology.

For women, a belly-button circumference of 35 inches or more means you have an unhealthy concentration of belly fat. For men, that number is 40 inches.

What to do to keep fat under control?

--Eat fiber-filled foods to help lower risk of heart disease.

--Do aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

--Have blood sugar and blood fats tested. The sooner you know about abnormalities, the sooner they can be treated.

-from Daily News, Life Extension, 05-22-08

Vitamin D and Heart Protection

A growing body of research indicates that vitamin D deficiency contributes to a broad spectrum of conditions such as high blood pressure, poor insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and other fundamental processes that underlie heart disease.

Alarmingly, vitamin D deficiency is extremely common throughout the population—affecting more than half of adults and the majority of the elderly

Sunlight, Vitamin D, and Heart Attack

The farther north you live, the more likely you will suffer a heart attack. That curious observation led to the suspicion that vitamin D may somehow be related to the development of heart disease. It suggests that sunlight exposure may somehow provide a protective effect, perhaps through vitamin D. The notable exception to this pattern is the Eskimos, who eat large quantities of oily fish, a rich source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids

Health-Promoting Effects of Vitamin D

  • Normalizing blood pressure. People deficient in vitamin D are much more likely to have high blood pressure. Treatment with vitamin D and calcium significantly lowers systolic blood pressure. Vitamin D likely exerts this effect by suppressing the expression of the blood pressure hormone renin
  • Anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin D appears to have a potent effect on reducing inflammation, as measured by C-reactive protein (CRP). Dramatic reductions in CRP have been documented. In contrast, statin medications may only produce modest decreases in CRP levels
  • Anti-diabetic effects. Diabetes is more prevalent in individuals with low serum vitamin D levels. Vitamin D administration reduces blood sugar and increases sensitivity to insulin. Improvement in insulin sensitivity is associated with a cascade of benefits, including a decreased risk of developing full-blown diabetes
Optimizing Vitamin D Levels

The best way to know your vitamin D status is to have your doctor measure the blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (not to be confused with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D).Dr. Michael Holick of the University of Boston proposes that serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is in the range of 30-50 ng/mL (75-125 nmol/L).

Ten minutes of sun exposure in midday, wearing shorts and t-shirt to expose skin surface area, will provide most Caucasians plentiful vitamin D during the summer. This limited time minimizes the risk of skin cancer. (If you are especially fair-skinned, you might do fine with somewhat less.) If you are in the sun any longer than this, you should apply a sunscreen (which blocks both sunlight as well as vitamin D activation in the skin).

However, if sun exposure is sporadic, supplementation is crucial to obtain the full benefit of vitamin D’s panel of biologic effects.

-Adapted from article by Dr William Davis, a cardiologist practicing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

LE Magazine Sept 2007. for full article, read here


Sunlight-friend or foe?

All the while we were told to avoid sunlight and use sunblock whenever you're exposed to it.hmmm..let's sit back..relax.. and review new data on the importance of you're actually get enough sun exposure!


Technically, vitamin D is not a true vitamin. Since sun exposure can stimulate its synthesis in the body, it is not necessarily required in the diet, except in certain circumstances. Furthermore, its structure and mechanism of action more closely resemble those of a hormone than those of a vitamin.Vitamin D occurs in nature in two main forms: vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, and vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol. While vitamin D2 is obtained from plant sources, vitamin D3 can either be obtained through animal sources or synthesized in the skin when its precursor molecule absorbs light energy from ultraviolet B rays. Vitamin D can refer to either D2 or D3. In the liver, both are converted into 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the primary circulating form of vitamin D. Conversion into its active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, occurs in the kidney

Vitamin D’s most crucial role is regulating calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the serum. Vitamin D assists with absorption of these two minerals in the small intestine. When dietary intake of calcium is below optimal levels, vitamin D3 along with parathyroid hormone will move calcium from storage in the bone into the serum, where the body as a whole can use it


While sunscreen may help protect against the deadliest skin cancer—melanoma—its effect of limiting vitamin D production could lead to a greater incidence of other cancers. That does not mean that sunscreens should not be used, as they can significantly protect against premature skin aging (and skin cancers). What this does tell us, however, is that in one way or another, it is critical that we obtain optimal levels of vitamin D.


For those living in climates with greatly reduced angles of sunlight (the northern and southern parts of the globe) or where sunlight itself is rare, the need for supplementation is unchallenged.(Vitamin D supplement available in oral form). The human body is designed to obtain vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, with only brief exposure providing roughly 80-90% of the body’s vitamin D stores.Exposure of the entire body to sunlight may produce approximately 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day.Vitamin D supplement (oral form) is typically well tolerated in adults at doses up to 2000 IU daily, with some research indicating that even higher levels up to 10,000 IU daily may be used safely without adverse effects


1-Combating Colorectal Cancer-Vitamin D intake > 1000 IU lower the risk by 50%

2-Protecting the Prostate-reduce risk of contracting prostate cancer and inhibit proliferation and spread of prostate cancer

3-Benefits for Breast Health-reduce the incidence of breast cancer

4-Improving Lung Cancer Survival

5-Preventing Multiple Sclerosis

6-Effects on Type I Diabetes-prevent the occurance

7-Lowering Gingivitis Risk

8-Promoting Bone Health

9-Alleviating Musculoskeletal Pain

10-Preventing Falls in the Elderly

further reading and reference here


While we're still in the subject of water, today I receive an email from a colleague, stating about the value of drinking water on empty stomach. I tried to google if there's any scientific evidence of the practice, but couldnt find any. Neither I can find the 'Japanese Medical Society' associated with the claim. However, let be open minded and I dont see any harm of practicing it, unless you have fluid overload secondary to heart or renal failure. so I copy n paste the email content here.


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We list below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese Medical Society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, bodyache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis, asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.


1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water,
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes,
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal,
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning .May commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to
Cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure - 30 days
2. Gastric - 10 days
3. Diabetes - 30 days
4. Constipation - 10 days
5. Cancer - 180 days
6. TB - 90 days
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st Week, and from 2nd week onwards - daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life.


The Wonders of Water: Amazing Secrets for Health and Wellness

"You're not sick; you're thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication." -Dr. F. Batmanghelidj

I came across this excellent site http://www.watercure.com/index.html on the importance of water to our health and the problems caused by shortage of it (dehydration).Unconditional chronic dehydration (UCD) causes an array of diseases- from heartburn to migraine and hypertension..and guess what-the treatment is such simple and costless-WATER..

Water prevents and helps to cure heartburn.

Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage.
Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

Water prevents and helps to cure arthritis.

Rheumatoid joint pain - arthritis - is a signal of water shortage in the painful joint. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of pain-killers does not cure the problem, but exposes the person to further damage from pain medications. Intake of water and small amounts of salt will cure this problem.

Water prevents and helps to cure back pain.

Low back pain and ankylosing arthritis of the spine are signs of water shortage in the spinal column and discs - the water cushions that support the weight of the body. These conditions should be treated with increased water intake - not a commercial treatment, but a very effective one. Not recognizing arthritis and low back pain as signs of dehydration in the joint cavities and treating them with pain-killers, manipulation, acupuncture, and eventually surgery will, in time, produce osteoarthritis when the cartilage cells in the joints have eventually all died. It will produce deformity of the spine. It will produce crippling deformities of the limbs. Pain medications have their own life-threatening complications.

Water prevents and helps to cure angina.

Heart pain - angina - is a sign of water shortage in the heart/lung axis. It should be treated with increased water intake until the patient is free of pain and independent of medications. Medical supervision is prudent. However, increased water intake is angina's cure.

Water prevents and helps to cure migraines.

Migraine headache is a sign of water need by the brain and the eyes. It will totally clear up if dehydration is prevented from establishing in the body. The type of dehydration that causes migraine might eventually cause inflammation of the back of the eye and possibly loss of eye sight.

Water prevents and helps to cure colitis.

Colitis pain is a signal of water shortage in the large gut. It is associated with constipation because the large intestine constricts to squeeze the last drop of water from the excrements - thus the lack of water lubrication. Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of dehydration will cause persistent constipation. Later in life, it will cause fecal impacting: it can cause diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and polyps, and appreciably increases the possibility of developing cancer of the colon and rectum.

Water and salt prevent and helps to cure asthma.

Asthma, which also affects 14 million children and kills several thousand of them every year, is a complication of dehydration in the body. It is caused by the drought management programs of the body. In asthma free passage of air is obstructed so that water does not leave the body in the form of vapor - the winter steam. Increased water intake will prevent asthma attacks. Asthmatics need also to take more salt to break the mucus plugs in the lungs that obstruct the free flow of air in and out of the air sacs. Not recognizing asthma as the indicator of dehydration in the body of a growing child not only will sentence many thousands of children to die every year, but will permit irreversible genetic damage to establish in the remaining 14 million asthmatic children.

Water prevents and helps to cure high blood pressure.

Hypertension is a state of adaptation of the body to a generalized drought, when there is not enough water to fill all the blood vessels that diffuse water into vital cells. As part of the mechanism of reverse osmosis, when water from the blood serum is filtered and injected into important cells through minute holes in their membranes, extra pressure is needed for the "injection process." Just as we inject I.V. "water" in hospitals, so the body injects water into tens of trillions of cells all at the same time. Water and some salt intake will bring blood pressure back to normal! Not recognizing hypertension as one of the major indicators of dehydration in the human body, and treating it with diuretics that further dehydrate the body will, in time, cause blockage by cholesterol of the heart arteries and the arteries that go to the brain. It will cause heart attacks and small or massive strokes that paralyze. It will eventually cause kidney disease. It will cause brain damage and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Water prevents and helps to cure early adult-onset diabetes.

Adult-onset diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body. To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain's priority water needs, the release of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes, only some cells get survival rations of water. Water and some salt will reverse adult-onset diabetes in its early stages. Not recognizing adult-onset diabetes as a complication of dehydration will, in time, cause massive damage to the blood vessels all over the body. It will cause eventual loss of the toes, feet and legs from gangrene. It will cause eye damage, even blindness.

Water lowers blood cholesterol.

High cholesterol levels are an indicator of early drought management by the body. Cholesterol is a clay-like material that is poured in the gaps of some cell membranes to safeguard them against losing their vital water content to the osmotically more powerful blood circulating in their vicinity. Cholesterol, apart from being used to manufacture nerve cell membranes and hormones, is also used as a "shield" against water taxation of other vital cells that would normally exchange water through their cell membranes

"I have seen water completely reverse conditions such as: Asthma. Angina. Hypertension. Migraine headaches. Arthritis pain. Back pain. Colitis pain and chronic constipation. Heartburn and hiatal hernia. Depression. Chronic fatigue syndrome. High cholesterol. Morning sickness. Overweight problems. Even heart problems needing bypass surgery."-Dr F. Batmanghelidj

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Insomnia-acupressure tips

Still can't fall asleep with the 'conservative' tips before?

Then you might want to try acupressure!

Press acupressure points as shown below about 1 minute each with your tip of finger.

Note: apply pumping (press-release-press-release) manner.

point#35.location: at the junction (crossing) of wrist-crease and line drawn between the ring and the little finger

point#51. location: just below lateral maleolus (buku lali luar).

point#56.location: at the centre of the forearm, 2 thumb-width from the wrist-crease

point#86.location: midway between 2 eye-brows


Insomnia-tips to counter

Before-Bed Bites
  • Have a slice of chicken, or a banana before heading to bed. These foods contain tryptophan, an amino acid that's used to make serotonin, a brain chemical that helps you sleep.
  • Try a glass of warm milk (milk contains tryptophan) and a cookie, or warm milk with a spoonful of honey.
  • Avoid big meals late in the evening
Be a Slave to Schedule
  • Wake up at the same time each day, no matter how little sleep you got the night before. On weekends, follow the same schedule, so your body adheres to the same pattern all week long. You'll sleep better.
  • Every morning, go for a walk. With your body clock set by the great outdoors, you'll sleep better at night.
  • If you just can't sleep, don't lie in bed worrying about it. That will only make sleep harder to attain. Get up, leave the bedroom, and grab a book or watch TV.The goal is to bore yourself into oblivion-so sleep becomes a sweet release.
Within four hours of bedtime:
  • Avoid exercising
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid tobacco
Plant remedies
  • Valerian helps people fall asleep faster without the "hangover" affect of some sleeping pills.
  • "Natural" sleep remedies often include herbal ingredients such as hops and skullcap. Whatever the formulation, follow the package directions.
  • Lavender has a reputation as a mild tranquilizer. Simply dab a bit of the oil onto your temples and forehead before you hit the pillow. Or place a lavender sachet near your pillow.
  • Put a drop of jasmine essential oil on each wrist just before you go to bed.
next article: acupressure tips for insomnia


Relax to Music, Ease Blood Pressure

Blood pressure a bit too high? Spending half an hour a day listening to music and breathing slowly may help.

That's what happened in a new Italian study of 28 adults taking drugs to control their mild high blood pressure (hypertension).

First, the patients wore a device that tracked their blood pressure for 24 hours. Next, they were given a CD of classical, Celtic, or Indian music. All of the tunes on the CD had similar slow rhythms says Professor Pietro A. Modesti, MD, PhD, of Italy's University of Florence.

The patients were assigned to listen to the CD for 30 minutes per day for a month and to breathe slowly while listening to the music, taking twice as long to exhale as to inhale. At the end of the month, the patients wore the blood pressure monitor again.

The patients' blood pressure improved during the study. When the experiment ended, their average systolic blood pressure (the first number in a blood pressure reading) had dropped three points, and their average diastolic blood pressure (the second number in a blood pressure reading) had dropped four points.For comparison, 20 other patients didn't listen to music or practice slow breathing. Their blood pressure didn't change during the study.

It's not clear what mattered more, the music or the slow breathing. "The antihypertensive effects [have] to be considered as the result of the combination of music and breathing exercises," Modesti notes.

The findings were presented in New Orleans at the American Society of Hypertension's annual scientific meeting. Modesti calls for further studies to see if the results hold up in the long term.


American Society of Hypertension Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, May 14-17, 2008.

Dr.H's comments:

Another scientific evidence validated the effects of reducing stress (listening to music, breathing exercise), hence going deep into alpha and these measures able to bring down the blood pressure.

So next time if you're happen to be diagnosed with having high blood pressure, go to any music store and grab some cds of Mozart,Beethoven, or Scarlatti before seeing your doctor. :)


Menangani Stress

Kebanyakan dari kita berhadapan dengan STRESS setiap hari. Stress boleh menjejaskan mood dan prestasi kerja kita. Stress juga adalah punca kpd 'oxidative stress' yang menjadi punca kepada lebih 70 penyakit kronik

Oleh itu penting sekali kita berupaya untuk menangani stress-tidak kira siapa anda-pelajar, eksekutif, pensyarah, doktor, arkitek. anda boleh belajar kaedah stress yang senang ini..

Cara menangani stresss

Saya akan tunjukkan 3 strategi untuk mengurangkan stress. anda boleh menggunakan salah satu cara di bawah atau menggabungkannya sekali (lebih baik)..

Strategi 1- Kaedah Cepat

1.Tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan semasa anda hembus nafas...relaksss...rasakan ketenangan..

2. Guna kaedah 'mental housecleaning'. katakan anda telah membuat satu kesilapan di ofis dan anda stress setelah dimarahi boss(suatu yang negatif)...tegaskan dalam hati.."cancel-cancel" untuk membuang fikiran yang negatif itu...gantikan dengan sesuatu yg positif eg membayangkan anda membuat kerja anda dengan sempurna dan boss anda memuji anda.

Strategi 2- Kaedah Relaksasi Progresif

Kaedah ini memerlukan anda concentrate setiap otot, bermula dari kulit kepala dan berakhir di jari kaki dan kemudian relakskan ia

Mulakan dgn bhgian kulit kepala. rasakan getaran, suam-suam atau kebas-kebas pada bhgian itu...kemudian relakskan bhgn itu..

Pindah ke bhgian dahi..rasakan getaran, kesuaman dan kebas2 pada bhgian itu..relaks bhgian dahi anda..

Turun ke bhgian mata...concentrate dan relaks..

Bhgian leher...concentrate dan relaks..

Turun lagi ke bhgian bahu, dada, abdomen, peha, lutut, kaki dan jari kaki....concentrate dan relaks...

semakin lama anda practice, anda akan lebih cepat utk relaks dgn kaedah ini

Strategi 3- Kaedah 3 jari

Kaedah ini perlukan latihan untuk sampai ke tahap alpha dahulu. (rujuk posting sebelum).

Katalah anda telah mahir dan sampai ke alpha dgn cepat (selepas kiraan menurun 5 hingga 1), lakukan latihan ini..

1. meditasi. buat kiraan menurun- 5,4,3,2,1 dan anda menurunkan 'brainwave' ke alpha

2.rapatkan hujung ibu jari ke hujung jari telunjuk dan hantu spt gambar)

3. katakan dalam fikiran anda.." setiap kali saya stress dan mahu relaks, saya akan rapatkan jari saya seperti ini dan fikiran saya akan relaks..

4. tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan semasa hembus nafas...relaks

5. buat latihan ini selalu semasa meditasi dan masa akan datang, jika anda mahu kurangkan stress, anda cuma perlu rapatkan hujung ibu jari tangan ke hujung jari telunjuk dan jari hantu sahaja...

OK....selamat mencuba dan relax,-it's good for you!


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